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9:38 a.m

EMILY IS at her campus and Christos is in a crabby mood without Alice at the castle, so I decide that morning is the best time to go home.

I've been avoiding going home. The manor isn't the best place to spend your time.

And mother and father are going to flip their shit when they figure out that I know who my mate is.

Hell, they're going to practically start planning a wedding.

I knock on the front door and smooth my hair down.

A servant opens the door. "Master Jackson. Welcome home sir." She opens the door wider to let me in.

She takes my coat to hang up. "Would you like me to inform your parents you're here? They've been worried."

"Ah, no thank you. I would prefer they not know."

"Too late." Mother chimes, making me grimace. "Jackson Dennis Reed, have you no manners?"

"Good morning mother." I sigh, greeting her at the end of the stairs.

"Where have you been?" She pulls me into a tight hug, her sharp manicure damn near stabbing into my back.

"The castle. Little bit of the mortal realm. Nothing special."

She smiles, fixing her hair with her fingers, which are lined with more rings than anyone should wear.

My family's wealth stems from their jewelry business, and boy do they like to show it.

"Now why," she tucks a strand of my hair into place with her nails, "are you trying to avoid me and your father?"

"I'm not trying to avoid you I just wasn't in any hurry to talk right now." I heave.

Her eyes dig into mine and she simply smiles. She's picking through my mind, I know she is. Please god let her not find anything about Emily.

"Emily?" Her eyes widen. "Who's Emily?"


She gasps, having found what she was looking for.

"You love her." She gapes. "You finally found your mate, about damn time. Fate has done you wrong, making you wait so long." She bounces on her heels.

"Listen there's some things I need to tell you about this before you get all excited-"

"Monroe!" She calls for father.

It takes him a second to get here, no doubt busy at work creating jewelry.

"Monroe," She latches onto his arm, "Jackson's finally found his mate."

He looks up excitedly. "Well where are they? Don't you want us to meet them?"


"It won't be much longer until my precious Jackson is married." Mother gushes.

I'm their second favorite child after my eldest brother. I'm only their second favorite because I strengthened our ties with the royal family, but that's not enough to steal away all my parents joy towards my brother Xander.

The perfect child. He's got the sly tricks of our parents but is somehow the one with the biggest heart in the family. Married to a wonderful mortal, Natalia, who has long adjusted to being a vampire.

And my parents love Natalia almost as much as Xander does. Nothing has ever made my brother happier than his precious Natalia.

"Well hello little brother." I hear from the top of the stairs.

Speak of the devil.

"Morning Natalia."

"Is this what all the screaming is about? I'd gotten worried you fell down the stairs, Mother, as loud as you yelled."

Mother laughs, still latched onto fathers arm.

"Jackson's found his mate." Father tells her.

"Oh." She smiles. "Well, congratulations little brother." She gives me a quick hug and walks past me.

Little brother my ass. I'm older than her by decades, yet she chooses to treat me as her younger brother just because I'm Xander's younger brother. She considers me and all my younger siblings her little brothers and sisters, when in reality we're all older than she.

I don't argue with her on it though. She's family, I love her. Besides, we're much closer than me and my only other older sister.

I only have two older siblings, not including their mates. Xander and Penelope. Penelope is a bitch and her mate is a perfect match for her.

My other 6 siblings are younger than me. Two of them don't have their mates yet.

We're supposed to treat any family like blood family. We don't go into technical terms with "in law" or "by marriage."

Family is family in this realm. Blood or not.

But the only sibling I have that's related to me by marriage that I consider a true sibling is Natalia.

"Jackson, when are we meeting the blushing bride?" Mother chimes.

"Me and Emily aren't looking to get married right away." I blurt.

"Well why not?" Mothers eyebrows furrow.

"She's focused on her studies. She's got a life outside of me."

"Well she could continue her studies here. What's she aspiring for?" Father taps his foot. They would be willing to pay any tuition for Emily at my word and I know it.

I grimace. "A lawyer."

They both stare at me for a second.

What can you expect from two cons that are hearing that their son is in love with an aspiring law defender?

They look at each other and smile.

"We could pay for her education darling. It'd be our pleasure." Mother coos, leaning on my shoulders.

"What plans are you two concocting?"

"Nothing." Father waves off. "We were just thinking that it couldn't hurt to have a lawyer in the family."

Of course. They would love to have a top notch lawyer that would always be on hand to defend them on anything for absolutely no price.

But I guess it's better than them bashing her for what she wants.

"I'll talk to her." I gulp.

"Perfect." Mother chirps. "You should bring her around soon, we would love to meet our future daughter."

"Of course." I sigh, knowing that getting Emily here is no easy task.

"And we need you to help us in the study. We've got a large shipment we need to send out by tomorrow and we're short handed."

I sigh, following them into the study.

We could afford workers to make our jewelry, we could even afford a factory. But it's a family trade, mainly so it's easier to get away with the sketchy deals.

On the outside, the family business seems like a basic jewelry empire. But the Reed family doesn't specialize in ordinary accessories. They make charmed jewelry.

A necklace that can give the wearer good luck. A ring that can block another vampire from reading your mind. A bracelet that can prevent you from being hypnotized. The options are endless.

It's a business I only get interested in when it corresponds to my personal interest.

And as of now, this business means nothing to me.

All that matters to me right now is Emily.

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