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10:01 a.m

AT BREAKFAST this morning, Adalia's brother sat alone. Adalia's seemed happy about that.

I on the other hand cannot believe that the other human was able to get the hell out of here but I can't.

After breakfast though, Christos left. Adalia snitched on him to a guard because apparently they aren't supposed to leave without a guard escort.

She leads me back to the room we sort of share. I still don't sleep in the bed with her. I don't even feel comfortable sitting on it.

She's a cold blooded murderer. All those people who died at the bridge, that was her.

And she doesn't feel even a little remorse.

I sit on the loveseat, curled into a ball. Then she sits next to me.

"Lucifer, love, what are you doing? Why don't you read a book or go explore the place a bit, hm? You look awfully uncomfortable here."

I sit there without saying a word. I don't talk to her much. I can tell that she hates that.

I can tell that she's losing her patience with me.

"You're scared of me, aren't you love?"

I look over at her and manage to nod. She scowls.

"Well what for?" She leans closer.

"You're a murderer with sharp fangs and a thirst for blood?" I shrug, sinking into the loveseat.

"Is that any way to talk about your future wife?" She smiles daintily.

I squirm and scoot away from her. I hate when she brings up marriage. A wedding. Between me and her. Jesus Christ, maybe this is hell.

She frowns and scoots closer to me, pushing me into the loveseat. "I could give you a real reason to be afraid of me."

She leans in close to my neck, giving me goosebumps.

She nips at my skin like she's about to bite me.

I can't scoot any further away so I throw myself forward, off the loveseat.

I roll when I hit the ground, shaking.

She sighs and crouches down next to me. "Lucifer, why don't you go for a walk around the castle, Alright?"

Maybe I can find a way out of here after all.

"Is there anywhere outside I can go? I need fresh air." I sit up.

"There's the garden."

"Can you take me there?"

So she walks me to the garden, hand in hand. I wait for her to leave and close the door behind her.

It's a pretty garden, roses everywhere and tall trees.

It almost doesn't look like a bad place.

Is this a bad place?

Adalia wants to care for me, to be a loving wife.

Dad told me I'd never have a wife.

But is a murdering, bloodsucking, cold-blooded wife really better than no wife at all?

All my life I've been told I'm cursed and now there's this girl acting like I'm the best thing that's ever happened to her.

I kick a pebble and wander the garden, pondering if this place could ever truly be my home.

Do I even want to go back home? No, I don't. But I don't want to be here either and be used as some chew toy.

Maybe I should just accept this. There is no fighting Adalia. I've heard the stories about her. Putting up a fight will only make things worse.

I sigh, sitting down on a bench.

Maybe here I can have a fresh start.

I loosen up my shirt which is tight enough to suffocate me.

The fresh air really does help.

10:23 a.m

"Hello Love." Adalia smiles when I find my way back to our room. "You feeling better?"

I nod in response and sit down on the loveseat next to her.

"You're not going to hurt me, are you?"

She laughs. "Why would I do that?"

I shrug.

"Oh, what a naive little thing you are." She grabs my head and tilts it up to look at her. "So cute."

"Can I sleep here tonight?" I pat the loveseat.

"Of course. I was never forcing you to sleep on the floor." She runs her hands through my hair. "Though it would be nice if you slept in the bed with me."

She sees the look on my face and frowns.

"One day love, one day." She sighs, walking up to the fireplace across from the loveseat and lighting it. "Why don't you take a nap, you look exhausted."

I am. I barely slept last night, which is mainly why I asked to sleep in the loveseat.

I nod and curl up on the loveseat. She throws a blanket over me and gently sweeps her hand over my forehead, planting a small kiss on my head.

She gently lifts my head up and sits down, resting my head in her lap. I would protest but I'm so tired and the fire is so relaxing and her fingers carefully gliding against my skin is so calming.

In a way, it's nice knowing that I'm one if not the only person she doesn't act like a complete and utter monster around.

Christos still isn't back by dinner.

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