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7:44 a.m

I WAKE up, expecting to hit my head on the low hanging lamp in my room.

Instead when I sit up, I hear heels shuffle on wood.

I look over and Adalia is over at her vanity, finishing her makeup. She looks like she barely slept.

"Oh, you're awake." She smiles weakly. "How're you feeling?"

She walks over to me and I scoot back, making her frown.

"You don't have to be afraid of me." She smiles, kneeling down next to me. Jesus, she looks like she's dressed in a completely different century.

"Where the hell are we?"

She seems taken aback by my tone.

"Well, we're in the castle."

"But where are we? You look belong on the history channel."

She looks down at her clothes and than at mine.

"Oh." She laughs a little. "Well, we're all a little old fashioned here. And besides, I have to be all dressed up."

She jumps up. "Speaking of which, we have to get you to the tailor before breakfast."

"The tailor?" It's no use to continue questioning her because she's already pulled me to my feet and opened the door.

The halls seem like a never ending maze. I didn't take in my surroundings much last night. This place looks like something you'd see in an episode of Scooby-Doo. Minus all the cobwebs and creaks in the floor.

This crazy Adalia chick just watches with a smile as this tailor just about cuts off my breathing in this tight suit.

Jesus, I don't know what this psycho wants from me, but at this rate I'll be dead before the end of the week.

Maybe I died back at the river and this is hell.

Dad always told me I was going to hell.

But he told me I'd be roasting in hell with the rest of the sinners, and so far it doesn't seem like it's anyone's intention is to hurt me.

She helps me step down from the podium and becomes giddy at the sight of me. "You look great. Perfect."

"And we're going to breakfast? All dressed up?"

She sighs. "This is a castle. We as the royal family dine together, formally. Catch on, love."


She doesn't utter another word and drags me down the stairs. I don't even know what I look like in this suit because there's not a mirror in sight, yet I can tell from the view I get that I look practically like someone from a history book.

We bustle into what seems to be the most lavish dining room I've ever seen. I thought only people on TV had dining rooms this nice.

Only two people are seated at the ridiculously large table, a man and a women. Neither look a day older than Adalia, which is why I nearly trip when she greets them.

"Morning mother, father." She smiles at them, leading me to the end of the table. I examine them, looking for any sign they could possibly have had a child that is now a full fledged adult. They barely have a wrinkle in sight.

Hell, how old is Adalia?

She pushes me into a seat and sits down next to me, smiling.

"Don't worry." She whispers. "Once you get comfortable here, you'll never want to leave. We're a big happy family here, you won't ever have to worry about feeling unloved again."

"Who is this, Adalia?" Her mom eyes me curiously.

"This is Lucifer. My mate." She smiles proudly.

"Oh?" Her Dad smiles. "That so? Well that's wonderful. Glad to hear it."

Her mom beams proudly, smiling down the table at us. "He's very cute. Like a teddy bear."

I sink into my chair, remembering I'm a lamb lost in a wolf infested forest.

Two more people enter, carrying on a conversation joyfully. A man and woman. They sit at the opposite end of the table, not acknowledging us at all because they're so engrossed in their conversation.

At least Adalia said good morning.

"That's because I have better manners than my little brother."

Her voice in my head makes me freeze. I look over at her and she smiles. Her mouth hasn't opened yet I heard her. I know I did.

I haven't gone crazy yet.

I look down the table and the pair. Happily joking and telling stories. Adalia's 'little' brother doesn't appear any younger than she.

The girl however, does look slightly younger. For some reason she stands out. Her hair is more simple, and so are her clothes.

And when we get our food, she continues to stand out.

Her goblet isn't filled with blood. It's filled with water, like mine.

She's a human, like me.

Maybe she's my way out of this torture box.

Barely anyone can touch their food when a man comes in and interrupts.

"My apologies, but Lady Emily and Mr. Reed have arrived."

The girl nearly jumps from her chair.

"Well, invite them in and make them plates. They can join us for breakfast." Adalia's Dad says. The king, from what I've heard.

Moments later another man and women enter and sit down next to Adalia's brother and the girl.

"Some drama might start." Adalia folds her hands on the table.

"Why do you say that?"

"That girl," she points to a girl with auburn hair and a curvy figure, "that's Emily. She was originally engaged to my brother Christos. Then she was bit by him." She points to the man with brown, tied up hair and tan skin.


"So now she has to be with him. And that girl," she points to the small girl with long brown hair, "that's Alice, Emily's sister. Now Christos is trying to marry her instead."

I sink in my chair. "Your family is so complex." I mutter.

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