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7:34 p.m

"I CAN go with you, it's not a big deal." Jackson tucks his hands in his pockets.

I hit my elbow, trying to get dressed inside my closet. Pain shoots up my arm and I cry out.

"Em, you okay in there?" I hear Jackson's footsteps get closer.

I grab the door of the closest, holding it shut. "I'm fine, don't open the door."

My closet is no walk in interior, but Jackson is rambling so much that getting him to go into the hall while I got dressed was a waste of my breath.

I finish pulling on my shirt, stepping out.

"That's a little tight, isn't it?" He grimaces.

"Wouldn't know, can't see my reflection thanks to a certain somebody."

"Could you at least put on a jacket?"

"You sound like a the principal at my high school. My shoulders are beautiful, I agree, but they're not that scandalous." I motion to the top of my off the shoulder shirt.

"And you're wearing heels?" He cringes as I slide them on my feet.

"Oh my god Jackson, literally nobody is going to be looking at me."

"I know how these college parties go. It's a bunch of drunk fools blasting music too loud and trying to get laid."

I chuckle. "Don't be worried, all the guys on campus are ugly."

"But you're not ugly meaning people are gonna try and hit on you. You should let me go with you. I'm cool."

"Oh yeah, you're very cool." I snicker.

He groans. "C'mon take me with you. At least let me drop you off so people know you're taken."

I scoff. "That wouldn't stop them."

"You're right." He clicks his tongue. "I'll have to go with and stay by your side the whole night."

I smile up at him and grab my jean jacket.

"Everything will be fine, okay?" I kiss his cheek.

He grabs my arms as I go to turn away. "Don't take a drink you didn't see poured, even from someone you know. Don't leave your drink anywhere unattended and don't get too drunk. If you need me to pick you up just tell me telepathically and I'll be there in a split second."

"Anything else, mom?" I frown but I know his just looking out for me, and I honestly probably needed the reminders.

He looks up in though for a moment. "Don't leave your purse anywhere unless you want to get robbed."

"Fair enough." I grab my purse and get the keys out. "I'll see you later."

"Alright Em."

As we walk down the stairs, there's a knock on the door, perfect timing.

I open the door to Connor. Jackson immediately narrows his eyes and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Hey, you ready to go?" He grins childishly.

"Yeah." I glare at Jackson and he lets me go. We both step out, Jackson locking the door.

"Who's car is this?" Connor points to my car.


Connor looks back at me like I'm crazy. He was probably expecting me to say it's Jackson's. He knows my car was never this good looking, let alone this clean.

I've been working extra hard to make it spotless.

"You're a college student, how did you afford a car this nice? No offense."

"Actually, Jackson bought it for me." I point to Jackson who is leaning against the house.

Jackson half heartedly waves. He seems proud to have one-upped Connor in some way.

"Jackson, huh?" He smiles. "This your boyfriend?"

"Yes." Jackson answers for me.

"Well I'm not really into guys but, you can buy me a car anytime." Connor jokes, hopping into the passenger as I unlock the car.

"Bye Jackson." I call, getting into the drivers seat. As we pull off, I smile at Jackson and turn on the radio.

"How come you didn't tell me you're dating a rich guy?" He whispers even though Jackson is long gone.

I turn down the radio just a little. "I just thought that it was more a part of my personal life is all."

He leans in closer, still whispering. "Emily do you have a sugar daddy?"

I snort laughing and accidentally honk the horn. "Jackson? God no."

"How old is he?"

"Hell if I know."

"You don't even know?" He chuckles. "And he just buys you expensive gifts?"

"I guess so."

"And does he expect you to like, give him things back?"

I shake my head. "No he just kinda wants to make me happy. Is that illegal?"

"You Emily, have a sugar daddy." He laughs. "But that's fine you know, if that makes you happy. He's allowed to buy me a lil something. He could take me out for a big fancy dinner, I sure as hell wouldn't complain."

The topic shifts as we ride the rest of the way. I park my car at a dorm outside campus. The street isn't lined with cars but the place sure looks crowded.

I knock on the door but Connor laughs and twists the knob, pushing the door open.

College parties aren't as good as the media portrays, or at least this one isn't.

TV makes college parties look like people doing kegs stands and streaking and doing shots off each other.

But really it's just a bunch of people huddled in separate groups, talking.

Though the red solo cups look accurate.

Me and Connor go into the kitchen and get some drinks.

"Boy I'm so glad that this party is" I lean against the counter.

"That's why I asked you to come with." He mixes his beer with coke. "I went to one of these parties expecting it to be super exciting but I had no one to talk to and it was lame."

"What's the point in coming to these?"

"Because getting drunk is funner with friends and fellow idiots."

"And I guess you look less like a drunk fool when everyone else is passed out on the dorm stairs too." I shrug.

Eventually one drink turns into two, and two turns into three. And three turns into four. And four turns into five.

Five is all I get to.

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