Chapter 13: The Battle of New York (Part 3)

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A/N: I know it's been almost a year since I've last updated this and I'm so sorry for that. I had the most terrible writer's block ever. Now, my inspiration has returned.

I hope you'll like this chapter !

  "Dad !"

  "I can't close the portal." Thor sighed, wipping the sweat off his face.

"What are we going to do ?" Tyara glanced worriedly at the army of aliens, which continued to pour from the sky.

"We have to find another way."

Then, the whole building shook a little under their feet. Intrigued and somewhat alarmed, Thor and Tyara rushed inside.

Shock was plastered on their faces upon seeing the scene in front of them. There lied Loki, half-smashed into the concrete floor, his hair a mess and his body sprawled at odd angles.

His face was studded with bruises and cuts. As Thor approached carefully, he noticed Loki was at the edge of consciousness.

"Did Banner do this ?" Tyara asked. No other being apart from a fellow Asgardian could out-match Loki.

Thor nodded. "I'll guard him. Go help the others !"

  We need to end this now.A missile is coming your way. Fury's voice echoed through her earpiece.

You can't blow up Midtown Manhattan ! There are so thousands of innocent people here ! Tyara snapped back.

It is not my decission, Princess.

Don't worry. I've got this. The voice belonged to Stark. She could almost picture his reassuring smile. 

However, Tyara had a very bad feeling about it.

Stark, let me do this. Loki is my responsibility ! she pleaded.

No, kiddo. Each one of us has a purpose in life. It's time to fullfil mine.

'Stark will be fine' she kept thinking, mostly trying to convince herself of it.
'Besides, I have other things to do.'

She closed her eyes and concentrated all her attention on her powers. Flames sparkled in her delicate palms. She raised her hands up and the fire shot upwards, forming a dome over Manhattan.

  Tongues of fire then emerged out of the dome and stroke down the aliens one by one.

Tyara could feel the heat emanated from the aliens' bodies, their life energy. Taking advantage of this aspect, she easily targeted all of them.

The faint sound of an engine purring caught her attention. She looked up, only to see Stark clinging to the missile and trying to deter its course.

What's he doing ? He was speeding towards the wormhole in the sky. Tyara gasped as realization hit her.

  Stark, don't you dare ! she mumbled incredulously through her earpiece.

  Take care of you, Blondie.

Tears threatened to fall down her cheeks as Stark flew right into outer space, along with the missile. Suddenly, the aliens and their ships collapsed. The portal closed right after. It was finally over.

But now, Tyara had her stare glued to Stark's falling silhouete. His engines seemed to have ceased to function.

Without thinking, she moved instinctively. The air whoosh-ed around her as she barely managed to grab Tony in time, almost slipping off her fire platform in the process.

The others were watching the scene from their respective places, frozen in shock.

  Tyara gently landed on the ground and let put Tony down. She was lucky to have her Asgardian strenght, otherwise she wouldn't have managed to hold Tony in her arms.

Stark's mask opened slowly. His eyes were closed and sweat was rolling down his face.

  Tyara placed a hand on his neck and was relieved to hear a faint, but steady pulse.

The others joined her in a matter of minutes. They were all relieved Tony was alive. However, he still hadn't woken up, which worried them a great deal.

"Why y'all so depressed ?"

  "You're alive ?" Tyara jumped from her place and literally hugged Tony, who had the biggest grin on his face.

"Of course, kiddo. How could I leave you with these boring folks ?"

Tyara smiled for the first time that day, her face brightening up.

  "Whar do you say, guys ? Wanna eat some shaworma now that it's over ?"

  "What's that ?" Steve asked.

  "Let me show you."

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