Chapter 1: Princess or Jet fly ?

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  1- Princess or Jet fly ?

The Nine Realms have been quiet for almost 2 years now. Muspellheim and Jotunheim have signed a treaty of peace after Laufey's death, with a little persuation from the Allfather. The Asgardian royal family has been left to grieve the loss of Loki, while a certain fiery-natured Princess has been working hard in Muspellheim. Everything was fine.

 A loud clank echoed across the training yard. The Fire Lord swung his sword at the slender figure before him. The figure twisted her body from side to side, avoiding direct hits. She raised her hand, her palm facing the sky, as a little spark ignated in her hand. She smirked as the little spark turned into a down-right flame and took the shape of a long, slim blade.

 When the two swords collided, fire erupted all around them. After a moment, the two warriors separated, gliding backwards on their feet.

 Tyara brushed off the sweat which had gathered on her forehead. She was exhausted. The training was always tough.

"I believe I've failed to stab you enough for today." 

"Yeah, right..."

 Tyara straightened, just when Lord Surtur patted her shoulder admiringly. He was 6'7'' tall and intimidating, but he held a special soft smile for his granddaughter.

   Her smile, her slender figure, the way she laughed reminded him of Asfrid. Otherwise, Tyara was a mini-copy of her father: blonde waist-lenght hair, cerulean blue eyes and fair skin. Oh, let's not forget a bad temper.

  She walked slowly to the palace, Surtur striding by her side. Before they could reach the massive doors, a servant ran up to them. He stopped meters in front of them, catching his breath. "My Lord, a message from the Allfather. It seems it's for Princess Tyara."

  Tyara arched an eyebrow. She had figured Odin would contact her sooner or later since Surtur has been filling him in on her development.

  She almost snatched the piece of parchment from the man's hands and read through the lines.

Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth slightly.

  "What is it ?" Surtur demanded.

"Is there a way I can return to Asgard ?"

"Well, yes. You should just jet your way up there." Surtur deadpanned.

"Granddad, I'm serious." Tyara insisted, an unimpressed look on his face.

"Well, I'll see what I can do. But it's gonna be tricky since the Bifrost is broken."


Finally alone, Tyara couldn't help herself picturing him in her mind. He probably looked the same, maybe just his hair was a tad longer. She felt tears at the corners of her eyes.

"Loki ? Can you hear me ?" she tried like in the old times.

No answer.

"C'mon, Loki. I know you can, I'm not that stupid !"

  To her surprise, she heard a chuckle.

  "Well, you're most definetly not. Another laugh. I'd say you're almost as intelligent as I am."

  Tyara growled.  "Where have you been all this time ? And what are you up to ?"

"Nosy as always, I see. And that's none of your business."

  "You have been gone for 2 years and you expect me to accept this answer ?"

"Well, yes."

Tyara sighed heavily and pondered her options for a moment. She thought of Odin's message."I heard you're on Midgard."


" And I know you're not going to tell me what had really happened to you, but I wanna see you at least."

  There was a brief silence on the other end.

  "Tomorrow at midnight.London, Hyde Park. " was all he replied.


  "Umm...Grandfather Surtur, I've received an update on the previous message. The Allfather kindly asks you to send me to Midgard."

"Wasn't it Asgard at first ? And you still haven't told me the reason."

  "It's all Asgardian business, nothing to do with Muspellheim.He reconsidered his decision and wants me to take care of something in London.

  Surtur gave her a suspicious look, but after 2 years, he knew Tyara better than that. He had no trust issues regarding his grandchild.

"Fine, fine... Whatever. Come with me !"

The Princess followed quietly.

"So how are you going to send me there ?"

"Unless you can jet fly to Midgard, I can use the Archaestone, the heart of Muspellheim."

"Is it going to work ?"

"I honestly don't have any idea. But again, you're here to try it."

  Tyara rolled her eyes dramatically. "It's going to be so much fun !"


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