Chapter 9: The Ruler of Death

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Song of choice: 'Hymn for the missing" by Red.

9- The Ruler of Death

Loki created an illusion of himself, which pressed the button and released the cage containing Thor from the aircraft.

Thor screamed until his voice died down in his throat. He couldn't make a sound anymore as he was sent tumbling down through the clouds. The last thing he saw was his little girl falling to her knees in front of his brother.

  Coulson was too shocked to move. After pressing said button, Loki's illusion pointed its dagger at Coulson's neck. He was cornered, but it wasn't like he could move to begin with.

The real Loki had frozen completely. He looked more dead than alive, like the statue of a Greek god.

Snapping out of his trance he grabbed Tyara by her shoulders and shook her violently, his knuckles turning white from effort. The blood stain on her white silk shirt expanded along with his moves.

  The blue tint in his eyes had melted away. His gorgeous emerald irises were now blurry with angry tears.

Coulson was beyond amazed. He had never even imagined the God of Mischief crying over anyone, let alone a young woman.

Loki's skin turned blue and his eyes changed into a crimson shade. His hand left her shoulders as he snuggled her close.

  "It is my fault..." Loki whispered, his chest tightening with pain. He felt guilty for not reacting sooner.

Warm blood snaked down the young Princess' chin. Loki stared into Tyara's cerulean blue irises, but she seemed to stare right through him.

  He picked her up, snuggling her even closer to his chest. The God of Mischief had never felt like that; it was like a thousand knives were piercing his very core all at once.

He momentarily forgot about Coulson, his illussion flickering, then dissipating. In the agent's eyes, Loki looked like a lost puppy.

A distant memory of Tyara smilling at him emerged in his mind. She was grinning.

'We'll always play together, Uncle Loki. You won't ever leave, right ?' Her childish voice spoke.

"Damn you ! You're leaving me first !" Loki blurted out. Coulson frowned in confusion, but remained quiet.

Snapping out of his daze, the God of Mischief put his hands over Tyara's abdomen. Green light surrounded his palms like a halo.

"I'm not letting you die on me like that !" He cried.

The small cloud of healing magic floated over Tyara. Her blue eyes were unbearingly glassy.

Loki sent Coulson a broken look before he carried Tyara away, the cloud still floating over her broken frame. He sprinted across the corridors, his lackeys joining him.

  He soon found himself on the take off platform,  a strong gust of wind whipping his face. One of his men opened the launch pad of a black Fighter plane and they boarded on.

The pilot had appearently panicked and was trying to kick start the engine. 

"Start the engine already, you pathetic mortal !" Loki snapped, gritting his teeth.The tension he emanated could be cut with a knife.

   The pilot finally brought the aircraft to life and the engines'roar filled Loki's ears.

  They sped across the take off lane and the moment the wheels left the surface of the Hellicarrier and they reached the appropiate cruise altitude, Loki set Tyara on the floor. He knelt next to her, squeezing her still warm hand tightly.

  His skin faded back to it's pale complexion. He was so livid that it almost matched Tyara's hue.

  The healing magic could not bring back the dead and the God of Mischief was aware of that, still he held a small spark of hope deep down in his soul that she might still be alive.

But as seconds passed by, that chance slimmed until Loki, crying soundlessly, sat up. He picked up his scepter, which one of his man had previously retrieved from Doctor Banner's lab.

  He closed his eyes. When he opened them again, an endless pit of darkness was surrounding him.

"Hela." His voice echoed across the abyss.

A few moments passed and a petite young women with black wavy locks and a pale complexion stepped out of the darkness.

  "I know why you're here." She spoke.

  Loki gave his daughter a pleading look.

"It is not recommended to meddle with the dead, father.  This land is ruled by order and it's my duty to maintain it."

"I'm not going back without her !" Loki shouted. "Please..." He croaked, his voice finally breaking.

Hela's eyes narrowed on him, her gaze warmer than before.

"Normally, I wouldn't do this." She stared at Loki, her black eyes glinting peculiarly.

After a moment of silence and a staring contest, Hela finally broke the silence.

"I must inform you that it comes with a great price."

"I don't care ! Just do it !" Loki ushered, his heart hammering against his ribcage.

  Hella smirked knowingly. "Fine. Come with me !"

A/N: If you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment. Your feedback means the world to me ! Thank you for reading !



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