Chapter 11: The return

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11- The return

Tyara realized that she was hopelessly lost. Over the horizon, Midgard's plains were vast and never-ending. She looked back over her shoulder, back at that abandoned lodge cabin she left behind.

No, I'm not going to ask for his help. She decided, pressing her lips into a firm grimace.

Then, a brilliant idea struck her: she should make use of her powers.

She summoned her inner flame and molded it into a solid plaform. Stepping on it, she tried to maintain her balance.

Almost falling off, she managed to bring the platform into an horizontal position and directed it with her will. The platform rose higher and higher, away from the any curious eyes.

Back on the Hellicarier, Thor was pacing around the monitoring room, glancing at the screens from time to time for a possible footage of Tyara.

"This planet is under a great threat. We've got no time to lose, Hill. We got to stop that criminal." Fury grumbled.

Maria Hill nodded curtly, turning back to her screen.

"Please, we all know you're very keen on using those weapons." Tony told him nonchalantly.

"What are you implying, Stark ?" Fury growled.

"You've already admitted using the Tesseract to create powerful weapons. I'm just stating the facts."

"What's that ?" Steve interrupted, pointing at another display to his right. Tony jumped from his place and beelined for Steve's position.

The agent zoomed in at his request and Steve's jaw dropped when he saw what it really was.

"Where is it ?" He shouted unintentionally, making the agent jump in his seat.

"L.A." replied the agent. "Should I set the course, Director ?"

"Yeah, let's get over with this."

Tyara looked around her in awe. Tall palm trees cast a welcoming shadow on the pavement. Midgardians means of transportation passed by her, carrying ever-busy people.

She was in an uknown city, that she was sure of. Well, it wasn't like she knew Midgard's geography to begin with.

Seeing a black man striding rapidly towards her, she approached him confidently.

"Excuse me, but what city are we in ?"

The stranger snickered, looking at her as if she was crazy.

"C'mon, miss ! Don't cha know L.A ?" He had a southern accent, why made Tyara even more akward than before. His stare suddenly made her feel self-conscious. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans that Nat had borrowed her a few days prior. Loki's black T-shirt hung over her frame, a bit too large.

The man narrowed his eyes at her attire, then walked away, his hands in his pockets.

"L.A, huh ?"

It wasn't like it helped her that much to know her current location, but deep down she hoped S.H.I.E.L.D would find her in such a big city.

She decided upon investigating the area in the meantime.

Dressed in Midgardian clothes, Tyara had blended in well, no one asking her any questions as she wandered down the streets in the hot afternoon sun.

Her throat was extremely dry, yet she had no money on her.

She started to wonder if she can die of dehydration by the time she found herself in front of Maria Hill.

"Thank Odin you've found me !" she exclaimed, to which the agent hugged her tightly.

"I'm glad I don't have to retrieve your body." She said, grimacing. "Well, let's go, the others are sick worried."

Tears of joy snaked down Thor's cheeks as he saw Tyara. He ran up to her and crushed her into a bear-hug.

"I thought you died." Thor whimpered against her shoulder.

"I did." Everyone's eyes fixed on her, confussion crossing their features. Tony narrowed his eyes.

"Then how come..?" Thor left the question unfinished, not knowing exactly how to word his thoughts.

"I don't remember. I woke up in Loki's hiding."

Thor frowned and let her go. The other smiled sympathetically at her. Just then, Steve burst into the room, panting.

Their matching blue eyes locked for a moment.

Tyara walked up to him, smiling widely.

"I'm back."

Steve looked at Thor for approval, but didn't wait for the approval before he hugged her too.


"It's okay, Tyara." Steve hushed.

"C'mon, Popiscle. Don't be posessive !" Tony snickered. Everyone took it as a cue to join in a massive group hug.

"My brother will pay for this." Thor added, after they let go of each other.

Tyara frowned. "What do you mean ?"

"Huh ?"

"He's no family. Just a murderer." Tyara added, convincedly.

Everyone gave her a weird and worried look.

"I need to rest." She said, dismissively. She left the room.

"What the hell is happening here ?" Banner wondered, as he watched the door close behind her.

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