Chapter 12: Battle of New York (Part 1)

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Chapter 12-Battle of New York (Part 1) 

  The next few days had been a drag for Tyara. Everyone seemed to think there was something wrong with her and no matter how hard she tried to convince them of the contrary, they wouldn't understand.

She didn't want to participate in their meeting considering the circumstances. Although, she felt guilty for worrying them so she decided she would offer them her help.

   However, when the silence around her permitted it, Tyara found herself looking forward to Fury's promise that she and her father could safely return to Asgard if they retrieved the Tesseract. Maybe she could even bring Steve to visit with the All-Father's permission.

  Loki's image flicked across her subconscious, bringing anger and digust to the surface. The Tesseract was their only way to return home, yet he decided to steal it for his own idiotic purpose.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Tyara caught train of the conversation.

  "He made it personal." Tony stated.

"Look Stark, that's not the point."

"That IS the point. That's Loki's point! He hit us all right where we live. Why?"

"To tear us apart." Steve concluded, a grim expression clouding his face.

"Yeah, divide and conquer is great, but he knows he has to take us out to win, right? THAT'S what he wants. He wants to beat us, he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience."

"Right. I caught his act at Stuttgart."

"Yeah, that was just previews. This is - this is opening night. And Loki, he's a full-tilt diva, right? He wants flowers, he wants parades. He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered..."

Tony paused, his eyes widened. He and Rogers looked at each other knowingly, before Tony exclaimed.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Calm down, Stark. Let's gather the others. Come on, Tyara." Steve grabbed her wrist, pulling her after him.

"Where are we going ?" she inquiered.

"To New York. But first, go get ready. I'll find the others."

  Sensing it absolutely had something to do with Loki, Tyara hurried up to the changing rooms, situated near the conference room.

  No one had arrived there yet. Taking a seat on a metal bench, she slipped on some elastic black pants and a red long-sleeved tunic. Now equiped with combat boots, she was surprised by Nat, who entered the room a few minutes later.

  "Are you okay, Tyara ?"

"Why wouldn't I be ?" The question confused her.

"Well, maybe because of what we're about to do..." she gave Tyara a meaningful side-glance.

Tyara sighed. "Look, Nat. It was my choice to help you guys. I could've stood back and let the others do the work. The thing is, I want to do this. I want to help S.H.I.E.L.D capture Loki and retrieve the Tesseract."

 Nat nodded, smiling sadly. Tyara's eyebrows creased together. 

'What has gotten into Nat ?' she wondered, transfixing her gaze on her friend as she changed into her costume.

 "I'm done !" Nat announced. " Let's go !"

As they walked through the corridors, something popped up in Tyara's head. "When I was stabbed by Loki, Agent Coulson was with me."

 "Why are you so reminiscent right now ?"

"Is he alright ? Loki's true intention was to stab Coulson instead"

"Yeah, he's fine. Although he needed to see a psychologist. Your 'death' shocked him a little."

Tyara exhaled relievedly.

Back in New York, Loki watched from above how Dr. Selvig was opening the portal. He was worried. Thanos wasn't a man of his word, who knows what creatures would soon start to pour from the clear, cerulean sky.

 Ruffling his hair in expectation, Loki waited for the Avengers. He was sure they would make an appearence and try to stop him. However, he was determined to achieve his dream.

 He had lost everything: a throne that was never actually meant to be his, the respect of his fellow Asgardians after the news spread out about what horrible deeds he has done. But above all, he lost Tyara. Even though she was alive and healthy, she was a new person, a Loki-free one.

 A loud thud caught Loki's attention. His eyes widened at the scene before him. The Russian agent had landed out of nowhere in front of Selvig.

 "C'mon, Selvig. Close this damn thing already !" she urged him, as alien warriors flooded New York through the now open portal."

"It's useless." Loki informed her, making his presence known. "He is under my control and no one can stop me from ruling over this planet."

Natasha arched an eyebrow and lunged at Loki, but ended up on her stomach, having passed right through a illusion.

Elsewhere, Steve Rogers dispatched NYPD officers around, instructing them to help the civilians who had been caught in the cross-fire.

Tyara found herself surrounded by a huddle of enemies. One aimed his weapon at her and shoot. As a pair of protective arms, a shield of flames formed in front of her.

  The Princess glanced down at her hands. Her blood felt warm under her slightly-glowing skin.

"Oh, yeah." she grinned. With a flick of her wrist, tongues of fire wrapped around the aliens, churning them to moulds of ashes.

"Want a lift ?" a voice called from behind her. She turned around to see Thor, smiling fondly at her.

"You bet." In her father's arms, they shot through the sky, pulled by Mjolnir.

Tyara swallowed slowly. It was high time justice found Loki.


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