Chapter 14: Final duty

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Before they could try Tony's mysterious kind of food, the Avengers decided to help Thor restrain Loki.

It wasn't very hard, since the God of Mischief was all beaten up and pretty much unable to move.

Tyara gracefully refused Tony's offer. Her stomach may have been complaining, but she needed answers before food.

When Loki was secured inside Stark Tower, the Avengers could finally relax.

Everyone followed an enthusiastic Tony to downtown Manhattan, to enjoy a well-deserved meal. Well, everyone but the Asgardians.

They had just one more thing to do.

Tyara stepped outside, onto the wind-swept roof of the Tower, Thor closely behind her. She stopped in front of the former-portal. The Tesseract was still emitting an eerie blue light, standing out in the clear,sunny day around.

She glanced back over her shoulder, looking for her father's approval. After a moment, Thor reluctantly nodded his head.

Now facing the crystal again, Tyara slowly picked it up. Thor's eyes widened as, bit by bit, her skin turned a colorful mixrure of orange and yellow.

"Now you understand, Tyara. The Tesseract is a mysterious artefact, which posesses an enourmous amount of power. It is dangerous."

"All the more reason to take it back to Asgard."she replied, setting it inside the transport tube her father was holding.

As she let go of the Tesseract, her skin faded to its original hue.

Looking up, she saw her father's eyes glinting with an unknown tint.

"I'm so proud of you..." Thor exhaled, wrapping his muscular arms around her tiny frame.

"Dad..." she trailled off, but the God of Thunder interrupted her.

"For stepping up for your friends and family and for being a courageous young woman, who clearly has no need for her father anymore."

With all his sincerity, Thor smilled warmly.

"Odin's beard ! Are you actually crying ?" Tyara exclaimed, her mouth wide-open in awe.

"NO." he crossed his arms, a bit embaressed."I never do."

"It's okay to cry...I promise not to judge." The corners of her lips curved upwards, reassuring him.

"I'm just glad you're safe. I almost lost you." Thor's voice cracked, his tears soaking Tyara's clothes.

Tyara indeed felt safe in her father's arms. It was like time stopped around them. After what it seemed like forever, they took the elevator to a lower floor, to wait for the others.

"That was amazing, Stark." Barton exclaimed, patring Tony's shoulder.

"Told you."

Walking into the lobby, the Avengers stumbled upon a heart-warming sight.

Tyara was lying on one of the red, velvet couches, her head snuggled into her father's lap. Seemingly unaware of their presence, Thor stroked her hair slowly.

Snapping out of his timeless bubble, Thor smilled widely, as Tyara jolted into a sitting position.

She couldn't help but snort, seeing Steve waving a food package in front of her nose.

"I bought some shaworma for you. Thought you might be hungry."

"Thanks, Steve." she muttered, taking it from his hand and munching it down, savouring the flavour.

"Come on, everybody. I need to have a word with you." Thor ushered, pushing them back to the elevators. Catching the allusion, the Vaengers retreated.

Thor glanced back at Steve and grinned slyly. The Captain nodded respectfully, truly appreciating his gesture.

"So how is it ?" he inquired, raising his eyebrows at the food.

"Mmmm...extraordinary." she replied, her mouth full.

"Well, this might be your last meal here, right ?" It wasn't really a question. Steve knew it would come to that.

Tyara simply nodded. Her expression was so neutral, Steve wondered what she was thinking about.

"Just so you know..." he paused. "If you ever need a shouder to cry on again, I'll be here waiting for you."

His sincerity was overwhelming and contagious. So Tyara decided to follow suit.

"I don't know what the future will bring, but I will keep this in mind." With that, she hugged her best friend tightly.

In that moment, she was genuinely content. All was well.

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