Chapter 6: Worries

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6 - Worries

  Tyara heard a knock on her room's door and jolted in a sitting position. For the past two days she had been feeling terribly exhausted, maybe due to Loki's tiring attempts at a proper conversation. He had made her head ring with his voice every night, but Tyara kept ignoring him. It was for his own good and, perhaps for hers too. She didn't want to get any more emotionally involved in the recent events. So she pretty much locked herself up in her room, leaving the task of locating the Tesseract to Tony and Dr. Banner.

"Tyara, can I come in ?" Her father's voice demanded.

  "Please do." She replied with a sleepy groan.

  Thor, still wearing his usual outfit, eyed her worriedly. He could notice her distress, it was as clear as day. She had bags under her cerulean eyes, her hair was overall quite messy and she looked rather pale.

"You don't feel well." It wasn't a question.

  The Princess nodded. "It's just I haven't rested properly for the past two days."

  "Tyara ?"

"I was worried about you and so were the Midgardians." Revealed Thor, taking a seat next to her on the edge of the matress." Especially the man in a blue attire."

"Steve ?" Tyara questioned, quite surprised.

"Don't ignore me, my dear. I know you can hear me."

"Oh, please for the love of Odin, just shut up !" Tyara retorted.

"He didn't dare intrude your space so he demanded I go instead."

  There was a comfortable silence between father and daughter. Tyara looked caught up in her thoughts and Thor waited, leaving everything he had said to settle in.

  Tyara raised her glance after a brief moment."I want to know how mad at me is the Allfather "

  "Mad would be the most inaproppiate word. He's raging that you proceed with this descend to Midgard without his consent. You have disturbed the natural order of this planet."

  "When we return, I will face whatever punishment he finds appropiate."

  "There's no need, Tyara. I have sworn on your behalf this is just a teenager behavioural swing." Said Thor, a serious expression on his face.

"Dad !" Tyara laughed. Her father looked slightly bemused.

  "What ?"

"Nevermind. What about Thunn ?"

  "He's been taken care of by the Queen herself so do not fret. He is in good hands. Fine stallion, indeed..."

Their conversation would have lasted longer if not for that velvet-like voice nagging her. But Tyara wanted to know just one more thing.

  "Dad, have they found the Tesseract yet ?"

  "Not yet, but they plan on interrogating my brother on it."

  "Interrogating Loki ? They must be out of their minds ! He won't spill out a thing !"

    Then, she climbed out of bed and walked to the door. "Where are you going ?"

  "I need to talk to the others."


Despite her father's complains and adversion to her plan, Tyara was now heading to the imprisonment chamber. The others had been reluctant at first, but they agreed upon it in the end.

  The S.H.I.E.L.D agent accompaning her swiped a card through the scanner and the doors opened.

  "Thank you." It was a dismissal and the man had sensed it so he locked the entrance, leaving her alone to face the dreadful challenge she had agreed upon taking.

It was now or never. And she was going to make Loki speak no matter what.

Thor's Daughter: Melting the Ice {2}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora