Chapter 4: Old ties renewed

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4- Old ties renewed

"Tyara, come with me !" Natasha shouted over the commotion.

  The Princess followed the agent down the long corridors until they entered a small room.

  Natasha opened a closet and snatched out a piece of clothing." Take this, it's one of my suits. You can't fight in those clown pants of yours and a silk shirt."

Tyara put the given suit on. She didn't like it. It was too tight. But it was somawhat more adequate than her usual attire.

  After she got changed into Nat's clothes, Fury ordered them to take a separate aircraft and go after Loki, because they couldn't risk the Hellicarrier getting any damage.

  Since Romanoff was the only one who knew how to actually fly an aircraft, the others boarded and fastened their seatbelts.

Tyara was nervous, but she wouldn't show it. The thought of fighting against Loki was unbearable to her. Loki was family, Loki had been her only ray of hope when times were hard. Her father, as much as he loved her, wouldn't pay attention to her teenager struggles. But Loki always did.

Loki was a good person deep inside, Tyara was certain of it. He was bipolar sometimes, either mischievous and sly, either caring and good-hearted.

 The current Loki everyone was talking about didn't sound at all like the charming prince she knew.

  Nat stirred the aircraft to the right abruptly and lowered
the launch pad. The cold air rushed inside. Tyara unfastened her seatbelt and under Steve's worried eyes, she leaped into the night's sky.

  Tyara landed as ungracefully as ever. She saw people screaming and running out of an imposing white building.

  She headed that way, her imagination running wild with images of Loki.

  Suddenly, he stepped outside, his metal armour glistening in the night lights. He was also wearing his helmet, which brought old memories in the present.

  Tyara reminiscenced the day she had stolen Loki's helmet and hidden it in her father's closet.

At first, Loki was confused. Had he forgotten his helmet somewhere ? No, that couldn't be it.

His mouth took the shape of an "o" when realization hit him.

"Where are you, you sly little vixen ?!"

  He heard a chuckle and followed the sound, but before he could find her, he bumped hard into something. Loki thought it was a collumn.

But well, it was...Thor.

"Brother, how are you today ?" Thor smilled, throwing his muscular arm around his brother's neck and nudging him on the head.

Loki let out a growl. "Not so well." He coughed. "Tyara has stolen my helmet."

Thor laughed loudly, his body shaking against Loki's slender frame. "I thought no one could be more mischievous than you, little brother."

Loki released himself from Thor's grasp and stormed his way to the said one's chambers.

He had read Tyara's mind and saw the helmet's location. Bursting into his brother's room, Loki met a pair of bright cerulean blue eyes, glistening with childishness.

  "Uncle Loki, what are you doing here ?" little Tyara giggled.

Loki's smile softened at the sigh and he swept the princess off  her feet and into his arms.

  "My, my, my...Haven't you learnt your lesson not to mess with my things ?"

  Tyara panicked and tried to kick herself out of his embrance, but failed.

"Hush now, child." He whispered in her ear and Tyara relaxed against him. "Next time you steal my things I'm going to turn you into a frog."  He threatened, trying to sound convincing.

Unexpectedly, a soft fit of laughter filled his ears. Tyara was apparently making fun of his attempt.

Loki scowled, but Tyara wrapped her fragile arms around his neck and pulled him into her embrance. "I'm sorry, Uncle Loki. I won't steal anything next time."

Loki put her down and smirked as he saw her little crossed fingers.

Snapping out of her thoughts, she made her way towards the commotion.
Loki was standing above a crowd of people, who were kneeling in fear. One man, however, decided to stand up against the Asgardian.

  "Watch people, let your elderly be an example !" shouted Loki, pointing his scepter at the old man.

Just then, Steve jumped in and deflected the blast with his shield.

"Ah, the man out of time."

"I'm not the one out of time. You know, the last time I was in Germany and a man was standing above others, we ended up disagreeing."

They engaged into a fight  Tyara knew it was dangerous for Steve, despite his inhuman power. Loki was on a whole other level.

Before she could reach them, Loki had its scepter pointed at Steve's throat.

Loki cursed as he realized smoke was coming out of his cape. Tyara smirked. Her plan worked and Steve got the opportunity to kick Loki hard in the guts.

Just then, the roar of engines filled the night's sky as Natasha stirred her aircraft facing Loki.

  Tony flew past her and pointed his guns at the enemy. "Let's end this Reindeer Games !" his voice was distorsioned and raspy due to his armour.

Loki raised his hands above his head in defeat and for the first time, he properly glared at Tyara.

"Well done, my dear !I hope your pleased with yourself."

"Don't make this any harder, Loki."

As soon as they got back aboard, Tyara knew it was going to be a long journey back. Possibly the longest and most unpleasant one she ever had.



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