Chapter 2: Loki's offer

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2- Loki's offer

Midgard. Tyara had never been there, yet she felt familiar with the blue planet. It was probably her father's old bedtime stories.

London. It looked nothing like Asgard, though the city was grandious in its own way. The brightly-lit streets lined up by old brick buildings, Midgardian means of transportation snaking through the streets.

  People on the streets gave her curious glances. She approached a young man with a weird device covering his ears.

"Excuse me... Which way is Hyde park ?" He glared at her oddly and walked away.

  She tried again with a mother and child.

"Ah, dear. You must be lost. Walk right ahead for 1 mile, than turn left at the end of Oxford Street. By the way, is there any comic connvention up there ?"

  "I'm sorry.A what ?"

   "Well, you're dressed in a funny way." Tyara just stared at her blankly. "Poor thing ! You must really be lost !" the woman exclaimed. And you're accent is strange, definetly not British. Are you American ?"


"Well, nevermind. Timothy, let's go show Ms. Xena where Hyde Park is !"

The boy smiled enthusiastically and so, Tyara quizzed her eyebrows at the weird nickname and followed them down to where she was supposed to be.

"Here we are ! Hope you can manage on your own from here."

"Uh..yes, thank you !" Tyara said and walked away. The park was enourmous. How was she going to find Loki there ?

  "Where are you ?"

   "Oh, so you've arrived. I'll come pick you up, I can sense where you are."

  A few seconds have past before Tyara tensed under a cold touch on her shoulder.

  "Sit down." Loki whispered in her ear. "And don't worry, with my magic, we look like ordinary humans now."

  She obeyed, feeling suddenly tired. He lowered himself next to her on the newly-mowed lawn.

  "I didn't think you'd actually come. Means you must've missed me, huh ?" Loki smirked.

  He touched his cheek, a stinging rising to his now pink skin. Tyara was fuming with anger. She hadn't realized she had slapped him so hard until then.

  "My, my... fiery aren't we ?" 

   "You deserved it and you know it too. What kind of jerk sells his family to the enemy ?!"

"My kind. I truly apologise, Tyara. I had to destroy those giants, there was no other way. And I was willing to sacrifice everything for it."

  "Even your life and your own damn family ?! Was destroying your own kin so important to you ?!"

  "Sadly, yes." Loki replied quietly, not looking at her.

  Tyara was on the bridge of crying, but she bit back her tears because some passbiers glanced at them.

  "Loki, whatever you are plotting right now, please stop ! It would only do more damage to yourself. Come home with me and I'll beg the Allfather not to punish you."

Loki let out a sad laugh and locked his eyes on hers. "I'm sorry, Tyara. I can't do such thing ! You know too well Odin won't overstep my punishment."

  Tyara stared at him. Is this truly the Loki I used to know ? she wondered. His eyes had a strong tint of blue in them, unlike the usual green colour.

   Even his eyes have changed. And his hair has grown longer. He looks so wild...

  "Join me, Tyara."

  The Princess snapped out of her thoughts. "What ?"

  "You heard me perfectly, my dear. Come join me !"

  She squinted her eyes at him.

  "I can't team up with you against Asgard, against Dad..."

  At the mention of Thor, Loki's eyes darkened. "Since you can't get back on Asgard anytime soon, you might want to use this time to reconsider. Farewell, Tyara !" Loki said, kissing her knuckles, then disappeared.

Tyara was left alone with bewilded eyes full of tears.




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