Chapter 3: Meeting the team

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3- Meeting the team

The Princess had to admit that this time she was actually helpless. She didn't know London at all and the city seemed to be stretching endlessly in every direction.

On top of that, heavy rain began pouring down from the skies.

Tyara wasn't bothered at all by the low temperature, since she could easily heat on her skin, but she hated rain.

She sat on a bench, under a bus stop shelter and snuggled her knees closer. It had been a terrible idea to come to Midgard, after all. She should've gone right away to Asgard, since Surtur warned her the Archaestone only worked one way.

"Miss, do you need help ?" a black man asked, eyeing her.

Tyara didn't answer. She didn't know what to say. Plus, he looked rather suspicious, dressed all in black clothes and ab eyepatch covering his left eye.

The man closed in and took a seat next to her.

"I'm Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I have come to retrieve you, Asgardian."

Tyara was surprised. She hadn't expected that. What a change of personality in a matter of seconds !

"How do you know what I am ?"

"I have my ways, young lady. And I'd be glad if you follow me without resisting. You are a supposed threat, like all of your kind."

"I'm way older than you think." A short pause, caused by Nick Fury grimacing. "Do I have a choice ?"

"No." Fury replied firmly.

Tyara nodded a little and followed the black man out in the open rain. She didn't have a better choice anyway.


" This is the Hellicarrier. You're going to live on board for now."

"Your Midgardian technology is pretty weird, I have to say..." Tyara commented, glancing at the agents in front of computers.

"Says the weirdest one here." a voice spoke from the other side of the control room.

A man probably in his thirties, with a tuff of black hair and bristles covering his face was smirking at her.

"Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philantropist. Nice to meet ya... ?"

"Tyara Thordottir."

"So your Thor's daughter. I figured as much." Nick Fury muttered, scratching his chin.

"That guy wearing his mother's drapes I saw on TV ?"

"Yep. That's my Dad." Tyara chuckled.

"Do you swing a hammer everyday too, Blondie ?"

Tyara blushed furiously.

"No. I have a sword instead. Mijolnir only sees father worthy enough to be its wielder."

" Eh, whatever..." Stark waved his hand dismissively. Tyara was beyond embarressed and had turned the colour of a tomato."See ya later !"

"Wait, Stark ! We were supposed to have a meeting here." another voice called.

Stark turned around on his heels, wearing a pissed off expression. "Says who ?"

"Me." replied the other man. Tyara couldn't help herself staring at his toned muscles and defined jaw-line. That was no ordinary man. But his clothes spoiled his image. He was wearing the most outrageous costume Tyara had ever seen. Blue, red, white and a big spangled star in the middle of his chest.

Behind him, there was another guy with curly hair and glasses and a redhead dressed in a black jumpsuit.

"Call it out, you two." the woman demanded boredly.

"Romanoff has a point. We're here to discuss an important matter." Fury interfered.

Everyone took their place at the round table. Tyara found herself next to guy in a 'kill me please' suit.

"Captain Steven Rogers. Nice to meet you, m'am !" he said, kissing her knuckles politely. A shiver went down Tyara's spine and for a second, Loki's image flickered in Steve's place.

"Tyara is just fine, you know..." she replied a little shaken.

Rogers smiled warmly, before his attention returned to Fury.

"We gathered here today," Nick Fury began, only to be interrupted by Stark's attentive coughs. "To inform you about this Asgardian I've retrieved from London."

"I was thinking you didn't really look human." Romanoff spoke.

"Tyara, what were you doing in London ?" Bruce Banner inquired. Tyara could read the card pinned on his chest, his name on it.

"I... was fulfilling my duties, tending to Asgardian business. I.. the Princess." Tyara half-lied. She could see Fury questioning her answer.

"I knew that the moment you mentioned Thor."

An akward silence followed.

"Sir, we've pin-pointed his location ! It's a 90% match." an agent yelled.

"Where is he, Hill ?"

"Franktfurt, Germany. Better get ready, sir. We'll be there in 15 minutes."

Tyara knew it. It was him. Loki was making his move.

Well, he didn't give me much time...

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