Scene Twenty-One

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INT: The Main Office

(Crash and Smithy enter, with cuts and bruises on them. Murphy stands up and walks over to them)


Jesus Christ! What exactly happened?

(Crash and Smithy walk past Murphy and sit down, Murphy follows them.)


Well we burst in through the front door (Visual representation is seen of this and the following) we went into the main room they were stood holding guns waiting for us...they shot killing the men instantly and shot Mr Delfore as we ran...we just escaped with our lives...


Bloody Hell!, Well anyways you should get yourselves looked at then report to The Leader...


Well we'll get ourselves fixed up and report to him...who put you in charge anyway?


He did...when Mr Delfore died...


Oh...I see...

(Crash and Smithy leave the room Murphy sits down and picks up the phone and dials)


...Hello sir...Crash and Smithy have returned from the sir only the two of them survived...yes sir they're getting medical assistance then I'm sending them to see you...don't worry sir I've got it all sorted for you...they'll be in to see you soon...goodbye sir...

(He hangs the phone up and sighs in relief again)

INT: The Phoenix's Office

(The Phoenix is sitting at his desk with his masked face in his hands)

The Phoenix:

They're going to kill her...I shouldn't have let her leave...I have to stop my's what she would've wanted...I'll find this group after my brother's downfall and will find her body and give it a deserved burial...not long now, until he will be gone for good...he was lucky to live after last time...I guess it wasn't his time...but this time it is...I'll make sure of it...

INT: The Leader's Office

(Crash and Smithy are standing in front of The Leader's desk)


...and that's what happened sir...

The Leader:

I sound like you were lucky...


I'd say we were...

The Leader:

Thank you, both of may leave now...get back on with your jobs...

(Crash and Smithy look at each other and leave the office, you see them both sit down at their stations)


What do you reckon Smithy? Yes or no?




I agree...


I'll be back in a to take a piss...

(He gets up and leaves the room)

INT: The Leader's Office

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