Scene One

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(Displayed as though on a T.V. a red, orangey masked face, like that of a Phoenix appears, he is wearing all black. He has black boots, black trousers, a black shirt and a jacket which looks leathery but is soft, yet strong. The voice is calm, confident, and powerful)

Masked Man:

Hello there, as you can see I've taken over your TV's, cinema's and all other visual communications, now that I have your attention I will tell you this: By this time next year you will all be bowing down to me and not your ridiculous so called leader whom you all caved into in his own hostile take over. You may think you have a better world thanks to his efforts but you have forgotten about the way he got to where he is now.

(Images of war, video clips of war and images of the current leader committing murder and terrorism)

Masked Man:

Did that help you to remember? Despite the so-called good he has done what he did cannot be forgotten the millions persecuted by his efforts, the families split, the wives, mothers and daughters raped upon his war, the children murdered with his say so. We cannot allow ourselves to forget this dark past of terrorism committed by this man. Whilst you may think he is creating a better world, a better future since his worldwide take over seven years ago the world population has decreased from 6.7 billion to 2.5 billion. Does that sound humane? Does that sound right to you? Well, I can tell you now it does not stand right with me and I will make it my efforts to destroy him and bring him down with or without your help, but if you wish to do something for this world then in one year form your groups fight back against his people oppose those whom oppose you and be free from him and join ME! For I am The Phoenix and I will change this world.

(TVs go black and channels in different houses turn back to previous channels, cartoons, news, music channels, and films).

INT: Presumed underground base. Military like. The Leader sits upon a black leather chair in a huge office somewhere in the base. The desk and seat in which he sits are covered in shadow and The Leader can only be seen as an outline

The Leader:

Mr Gelderman... I hope you understand that by this message being broadcast on my TV's it means you are fired

Mr Gelderman:

...But Sir ... it was a mistake... I don't know how it happened...

(The Leader takes out a revolver and shoots Mr Gelderman in the head)

The leader:

Mistakes are made by amateurs Mr Gelderman and I cannot allow for mistakes in the running of my world... (He presses a button on his chair to signal for someone to assist) ...and who might you be...

Mr Delfore:

I'm Mr Delfore Sir. (Looking uneasy at the dead body beside him)

The leader:

Well Mr Delfore you've just been promoted... how happy you must be. Now clean up this mess and find out how he took over my TV's without my knowledge.

Mr Delfore:

Yes Sir, right away Sir (He begins to drag the body of Mr Gelderman towards the doors)

The Leader:

No-one messes with me I will get you and I will make you pay... like I did before...

Ext: BuckinghamPalace 12:04 am

(Two shady looking men sitting in a van)

Man one:

You ready?

Man two:

Of course I am I've been ready for the past

Seven years; I'm ready to kill that heartless bastard and send him back to the hell from which he came.

Man one:

Okay then, let's do this...

(Exiting the Van they go to the back, set a bomb and run off down the street) (Explosion is seen)

News Reader:

Last night at 2:30 am outside BuckinghamPalace was the first bomb explosion since 'The Leader' came to power, Police are investigating any evidence which may lead to a suspect arrest, however, officials believe it is the work of the newly self acclaimed terrorist 'The Phoenix'. In other news...

INT: Base

The Leader:

Mr Delfore...why have I yet to see any improvement on the citizen's attack against me?

Mr Delfore:

...Sir the men are working as fast as they can, and despite what you might think Sir with all due respect I think you need to accept that this is a terrorist attack against you.

(A gun shot is fired just missing Mr Delfore's foot, still in the shadows The Leader lowers the revolver)

The Leader:

Mention that word to me again and I'll see to it that the next body dragged out of here is yours. No-one and I mean no-one commits terrorism against me. Now go I want this dealt with as quickly as possible.

(Mr Delfore rushes out of the office)

The Leader:

Why did it have to be now? Of all the times to strike? You chose now... Well, we'll soon see who is the strongest and when I beat you my dear brother, your past victories over me will have been in vain for I will kill you no matter how long it takes. You will will see...

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