Scene Four

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INT: McDonalds, the building has no tables or chairs, the counter at the front still stands but the menu is ripped, torn and burnt.


(She stands at the front of a crowd of around 40 people plus) Hello everybody, my name is Sophia; I'm here to tell you about The Leader and The Phoenix. Firstly who here enjoys the ruling of The leader? (She scans the room, but it remains silent) Okay then...Before The Leader took charge seven long years ago; he committed terrible crimes against humanity, look at these images of the atrocities he committed whilst he was aiming for dictatorship.

(Upon the wall images are shown of tortured children, people being raped, mutilated bodies, piled bodies, death and destruction of countries, this lasts for about 5 minutes) You can see the sort of man you're supporting? In eleven months there will be a fight, an uprising against him, join The Phoenix and help bring him down. Think of your families, of those you love, don't let them end up like these people in the photos.

(The crowd starts to talk amongst themselves, Suddenly Mr. Delfore and a group of armoured troops burst in through the doors)

Mr Delfore:

(Smiling, pleased with himself) Afternoon all, out for a snack are we? Well it's your lucky day, you all get a visit to The Leader's base; take them away (He looks at Elsie) You!


Hi, well aren't you a lucky boy? Being the master bitch are we?

Mr Delfore:

Ha ha very funny, Elsie if I remember correctly, yes?


Good boy, hurry up now I haven't got all day, I've got a nail appointment at 4

Mr Delfore:

Somehow I don't think you'll be able to make it, take her away!

INT: Prison Cell within The Leader's Base (No light is visible, the room is pitch black)

Man 1:

How did he know your name?


We dated, ten years ago, after our 2nd date he tried to recruit me to The Leaders cause, I refused and sent him packing, he was nothing more than a soldier trying to get promoted faster by getting people to join

Girl 1:

Interesting as your conversation sounds, what are we going to do about getting out of here? Preferably alive

Man 1:

The chips under our skin will lead The Phoenix to us, we are inside "The Leader's" secret under ground base, and now that we're inside we can be tracked


As promising as that sounds, The Leader isn't a stupid man he probably has layers of protective shielding to stop tracking

(The Door is opened and the light switched on Mr Delfore is standing with two armed guards behind him)

Mr Delfore:

Elsie, you've been given the privilege of meeting The Leader, You (He points to the guard on the left) blindfold her and bring her to The Leaders office

Guard 1:

Yes Sir

(Seen through Elsie's eyes the guard comes over to her and places a blindfold over her eyes, the screen goes black, you hear foot steps, the blindfold is then removed and the vision is blurred for a bit until stabilised, a shadow is in the distant right corner of the room, you now see all the characters including Elsie, except The Leader who is still in shadow)

The Leader:

I've been told you have been telling people bad things about me


Then you have been told correctly

The Leader:

I see, Well then you shall have to be silenced and such a shame too, such a pretty girl


Girl? Who are you calling a girl? I'm a very respectable woman I'll have you know; just because you're you it doesn't give you the right to treat me like a piece of shit

The Leader:

I see... Mr Delfore, I want you and your men to leave...

Mr Delfore:

But Sir...

The Leader:

(Cuts him off) Now!

(Mr Delfore and the troops leave the office)

The Leader:

You know, long ago I would have shot anyone for talking to me the way you just did


Really?...Long ago it seems you didn't have a heart

The Leader:

So it seemed, but one day I saw this flash of light and there she was, my perfect woman no other could compare to her, surrounded by light I went over to her we talked for hours...

(It Cuts to a shot where you see Mr.Delfore watching through the glass window, he can see Elsie talking and only see the Shadow image of The Leader, it then cuts back to inside the office)


...if you can...(She is cut off by Mr Delfore storming in)

Mr Delfore:

Sir, we have a slight problem, it seems the people we brought in, and well it was a set up

The Leader:

What do you mean it was a set up?

Mr Delfore:

Well they recorded us arresting them and beating them, and they've put it up on the visual communications network

The Leader:

Why is it that when something needs doing, you are incompetent Mr Delfore? I've had enough of your shitty efforts (He pulls out his Revolver)

(Mr Delfore becomes pale in fear of being killed)


Don't kill him...why do you have to keep killing people all the time?

(The Leader Shoots Mr Delfore in the leg)

The Leader:

Good for you she was here, now for fucks sake stop pissing about and stop those fucking bastards! And Take her back to the cell

(A guard blindfolds Elsie again and starts to lead her out the room followed by Mr Delfore hopping out and closes the door behind him)

The Leader:

Not Long now...Not long now...

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