Scene Three

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INT: The Phoenix's Base

(Gilmour is seen on the phone and is making notes, the conversation is not heard, he then hangs up the phone and joins the Phoenix in a conference style of room)

The Phoenix:

Ah Gilmour so good of you to join us at last...


Sorry Sir it seems The Leader has mobilized some of his people who are doing a sweep of London in hope to gain information about you and your followers.

The Phoenix:

As could be expected, anyway, on to a more pressing matter, after his speech how can we hope to regain the confidence of the people?


Well Sir, we could try talking to groups of people direct, perhaps a seminar upon The Leader...

The Phoenix:

What are you saying? Have an information session about The Leader? But wouldn't that bring people who praise him? Perhaps idolise him?


Perhaps, but if you think about it you could say you're holding an information session about him but show the evil things about him that might discredit him and then go on to show the benefits of supporting and joining you?


Good as that might sound Elsie I'm not sure it's the best way to go, as I said, The Leader has mobilised men, anything which gives the slightest hint about us would get us arrested and interrogated.


Then you suggest something...


Simply display a counter-arguing get your say so without putting anyone in your organisation at risk of being caught.

The Phoenix: Hmmm, Well Gilmour's idea is less of a risk to the organisation, however, direct contact with people shows that we mean business...we'll do both... Elsie I want you to get a group together and try and counter-act the damage directly you're a people person do what you do...Gilmour you and me are going to send a message to these people, we will win them back yet.

(All three of them leave the conference like room, Elsie is seen going up to people and talking to them in order for them to join her one on one bid with the public whilst The Phoenix and Gilmour leave the main room to go and film another speech)

INT: The Phoenix Base, Film Room


You ready Sir?

(The Phoenix is sitting at a desk with a flag behind him emblazoned with his own symbol which is of a phoenix surrounded by flames carrying an olive leaf)

The Phoenix:

People of the World, I speak to you now in the hope that you are not entirely against me. I realise that some thing's said by The Leader may shock you, but let me remind you once again that he is a terrorist himself and will do what it takes to get what he wants. Can you honestly say that you trust him? I know that you might find it hard to trust me, I will be honest with you, I did kill my family I admit that, but with a violent father who beats you and an alcoholic mother who complains at you about how shit your life is, it leaves an emotional scar which you feel the need to remove, to stop it from hurting. I'm not sure what I can say to get you to trust me, but I can tell you one thing, while your so-called leader is in charge your lives your children's lives and anyone you may care about are in danger. People go missing from the streets; you want to know where they go? He takes them and experiments on them not to help you but for fun. He is a cruel and vindictive man who will do anything to stop you from opposing him. I say it needs to stop now, join me fight back, place me in charge and you will see what you've missed all these years. (The recording ends and The Phoenix stands up and goes behind the camera) How was that Gilmour?

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