Scene Twenty-Three

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INT: Building Lobby

(The Leader and The Phoenix are no longer locked swords, Elsie and The Master have guns aimed at both of them, and Elsie suddenly falls to her knees and is now vomiting, The Master looks at her and then at the brothers who've now moved he runs forward and they both charge at him. They all have swords and are having a 3-way sword fight. They all have near misses with the blades)

The Leader:

Tell me Delfore...who were your little spies?

The Master:

Why my good friends Crash and Smithy (Laughs) right under your nose...

(The Leader takes a swing at The Master barley missing)

The Phoenix:

And Elsie's been with you for nine years?

The Master:

Of course...we'd met a year earlier where she in fact put...(Swings at The Leader)...put the idea in my head...not intentionally...then your little shit of a friend...(Swings at The Phoenix)...shit of a friend Edwards interrupted us...which pissed Elsie when she had finally been captured by us...we could rid of him in torture...when she told us that Edwards would talk...

The Phoenix:

That lying bitch (Swings at The Master, then, The Leader)

(They continue fighting, blocking and turning. Elsie is seen to slowly stand up holding her head. She rubs her stomach and sits down on a piece of fallen rubble and she looks up and sees the three of them fighting, she then turns and vomits again)

The Leader:

(Glances at Elsie)...She okay?...What've you done to her?

The Master:

...She'll be fine...if she hadn't had puked you two would've been dead by now (He swings at The Phoenix and causes a cut on his arm)

The Phoenix:

ARGH! Mother-fucker! (He swings at The Master, then back at The Leader)

(The Leader jumps back, The Master takes a swing at him, he blocks it, The Master then quickly blocks The Phoenix's attack)

The Master:

It was quiet easy to kill your people...Especially with the help of Elsie telling us where they were...and of course I new where our men would be...

The Leader:

So what actually happened? Seen as though you didn't die?

The Master:

Well we went into the building...

(It cut's to show exactly what happened. It shows Mr Delfore entering the building he was 'raiding' the men that are in the building shoot 3 of the armed men who have entered with Mr Delfore)

The Master:

Unfortunately for those 3 they were not in on the plan and had to be removed...we then...

(It cuts back to inside the house, showing Crash and Smithy having make-up put on them to look as though they'd been in a fight. It then shows Crash with the radio)


They've killed our men...they've even killed Mr Delfore...we're on our way back...

(It cuts back to the three of them duelling)

The Master:

and then we got rid of the medic because he knew the wounds were fake...and poor Murphy found out Smithy was The Voice on the end of the phone line, so naturally he had to go...and then to get Elsie out of the way we had to say we'd kid-knapped her so you wouldn't suspect her...and so here we are now (dodges a swing from The Leader, he swings back and just blocks a swings from The Phoenix. A gun shot is heard, the three of them stop fighting, it shows Elsie holding the gun, and The Master is seen wide-eyed. He's been shot in the back, he falls to the ground)

The Leader:



(She drops the gun) He killed my family...I can't forget that...he said he did it because they would be a distraction...

The Phoenix:

How could you betray me Elsie?

The Leader: You?...she's known me Longer how could she do it to me?

(They begin to duel again)


You both became obsessed with killing each other, he just wanted to run the world, I saw him as the better choice, and I can't seem to choose right...

(The Master sits up, turns round and shoots Elsie in the Chest, she falls to the ground, The Leader and The Phoenix, pull out their guns and shoot him in the head)

The Leader:

Where were we?...

(They begin duelling once more)

The Phoenix:

She is going to die...

The Leader:

Then we should hurry this up then...

(It blacks out and cuts to a hospital bed, Elsie I lying there on a machine, flowers have been left, she wakes up)

INT: Hospital



(A nurse comes over she helps Elsie sit up and leaves)


My head...My stomach...ow...My chest...

(Doctor enters)

Doctor two:

Well it would hurt were shot...a lot of people were...many died as well. You were lucky...


Is it over? The war?

Doctor: is, thank God...he's here to see you, I'll show him in...

(He leaves)


Who's here?...which one?

(A Pair of legs are shown they walk to the end of the bed, it then shows Elsie, and She smiles)

Elsie: guess your brother is dead then...    

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