Scene Ten

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(A calendar is shown and a single page for every month is

torn off, 7 in total, before each one is torn off an

explosion is seen. These explosions include buildings,

vehicles and statues. Whilst the explosions are occurring

a news reader's voice is heard, for every explosion that

is seen)

News reader: An explosion occurred to day in Piccadilly

circus explosion of Trafalgar square

happened at...many people killed in the explosion in a

legal office...A bomb on a bus killed several people

today as they...An Explosion in The Ritz killed many

people as they ran for their lives...The Sun newspaper

was bombed today at...Her Majesty's Theatre was bombed

today during the famous performance of 'Phantom of the

Opera', cast and crew were killed in the blast...No-one

has taken any credit for the explosions...enquiries are


INT: The Leader's Base, The Leader's Office:

(The leader's feet are seen, he is pacing back and forth,

he then sits down, a glass of water can bee seen on his

desk, an un-gloved and badly burnt hand is seen picking

up the glass, the glass disappears from view. The glass

is then put back in the same position, but half-empty.

The door is now shown and Mr Delfore enters)

Mr Delfore: are the new figures expected to

Join The Phoenix in three months time

(He places a sheet of paper onto The Leaders desk and

Stands at attention, waiting for instructions)

The Leader:

...I see...and what do you propose to do about

it Mr Delfore?

Mr Delfore:

Well, sir...we were going to issue a warning

and hen considered taking family members from them...

The Leader:

Yes, because I'm sure taking family members

Hostage will make people thrilled about supporting me in my war against this uprising

Mr Delfore:

yes sir, of course how idiotic of us to think there anything you might suggest?

The Leader:

...yes...I want you to get everyone who's loyal to me citizens included and I want you to start training people in armed combat, if this is to happen I don't want anyone in my force to be weak

Mr Delfore:

Yes Sir!...

The Leader:

Can you believe all these attack's he's committing he's well and truly gone mad...

Mr Delfore:

Don't worry sir, when this war comes...the people's death won't be in vain...

The Leader:

I guess...Back to work Mr Delfore...Much to do...

(Mr Delfore rushes out of the office and into the main control centre and address the crowded room)

Mr Delfore:

(Shouting) Okay people listen up, over the next couple of weeks you will all be pushed very hard, and there is a lot of stress upon us all right now, with the threat of this uprising approaching ever faster. At the moment it seems we have the majority of people on our side, therefore we are going to begin training classes in armed combat to be prepared for any likely out come. You will all be expected to attend them. Okay back to work and try your best to relax. A stressed up worker is messed up worker.

(They begin to get back on with their jobs, Mr Delfore looks at the window to The Leader's office and can see the shadow of The leader pacing once again)

Mr Delfore:

(To himself) Don't worry sir, we'll win this for you...

INT: The Phoenix's Whitechapel Base, The Main Room

(People are running round, trying to get things done as fast as possible, a phone is ringing)

The Phoenix:

Nichols, do you have the figures for me yet?

Nichols: second sir... ( he rummages around on a desk in front of him and picks up a piece of paper) Here you go sir

(The Phone is still ringing)

The Phoenix:

Thank you...ah good, it seems most people are on our side...this might be a bit easier than it sounds...


Is there anything you wish for me to do sir?

(The phone is still ringing)

The Phoenix:

...yes, for god sake answer that fucking phone...

(Nichols answers the phone whilst The Phoenix continues to read the sheet)


(Nervous)'s for you...

The Phoenix:

(Looks confused)...for me?... but no-one calls me...

(He takes the phone from Nichols and signals for him to leave)

The Phoenix:



(Whispers) approaches...the day approaches...and I will kill you...the future of man...will be in my approaches... (the person hangs up, and the beeping begins)

The Phoenix:

(Alarmed) Did anyone trace that call?

( He observes the room, but no-one seems to acknowledge he had a call)

The Phoenix:

Perfect...just fucking perfect...

INT: The Leader's office

(The Phone is ringing, The Leader's Gloved hand is seen picking it up)

The Leader:

What is it Mr Delfore?...I see...yes put it don't...they might retrace it here...thank you Mr Delfore...

(He places the phone back on the hook. The Phone then starts ringing again, he lets it ring several times before answering it)

The Leader:



(Whispers) approaches...the day approaches...and I will kill you...the future of man...will be in my approaches... (the person hangs up, and the beeping begins)

The Leader:

Mr any chance did you ignore me and trace it?...fuck (he slams the phone down again)

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