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The show was starting soon and people were lining up outside. The girls were extremely bored at this point, and were trying to figure out what there was to do. They were in the large green room with the band and Anthony was making tea for everyone, it was something that he did for every show and it helped them sooth their throats. Ellie was sprawled on the couch watching him twirling her hair in between her fingers and Haley was doing yoga with Flea. "Haley? Do you want to go for a walk?" Ellie asked whining. Haley looked back at her and shook her head smiling.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, if something happens to you we'll come find you. I doubt he's here." Haley said and smiled reassuringly. Ellie nodded sheepishly and got up putting her hands in her pockets.

"Okay, I'll be back." She told them and smiled softly walking out the door. She put her hands behind her back and sighed deeply walking down the halls towards the entrance of the venue. She hummed to herself and smiled gently seeing a lot more people coming in and going to the floor or to their seats. Her heart suddenly stopped as she noticed a familiar man standing with his arms crossed and looking for someone. It was Noah, looking for her. His eyes fell on her and he bounded his way over his fist balled. Ellie's eyes filled with tears and she backed up completely. His large hand wrapped around her arm tightly and she looked at her. He leaned his head down to her looking at her dead in the eyes.

"What gives you the fucking right to leave me like that bitch?" He asked pulling her towards the bathroom and pushed her in it. Ellie's body was filled with terror and she could barely speak. "You are fucking mine and do what I say!" He snapped his hand slapped across her face and she let out a whimper falling back onto her ass. He looked up her skirt as she laid there with her legs spread and smirk came across his lips. He grabbed her and pressed her against the wall lifting up her shirt and slid his fingers into her forcibly.

"Noah! Stop! Help!" Ellie screamed and started to cry as well as squirm. His hand went over her mouth and pressed his body more against hers to make sure didn't move and couldn't get away. There was a knock on the door and Noah looked at it.

"Someone's fucking in here." He said and Ellie let out a cry loud enough for the person to hear.

"What the fuck is going on in there?" The person asked and it was John. He tried open the door but Noah had locked it before. He had come here to look for Ellie and when he couldn't find her he checked the bathroom. He was ultimately concerned about the crying that came from the bathroom. He started to kick the door in and yelled for security. Noah's shaft was moment me away from being inside Ellie as the door crashed open with a loud bang against the wall. John immediately shoved Noah away and grabbed Ellie who shoved her skirt down and pressed her face into John's chest holding onto him tightly. The security jumped on Noah who was screaming at John for touching Ellie. "Oh shut the fuck up you pig!" John yelled back and ushered Ellie down the hall. Ellie's body shook and she sobbed silently as she walked. Anthony came running down the hall which turned into a sprint seeing her crying.

"What the hell happened?" He asked John and grabbed Ellie holding her tightly.

"Her fucking crazy ex found her and I found him about to rape her." He explained and shook his head looking at Ellie who seemed to be extremely traumatized. "Security got him though. Police will be called and she'll need to be interviewed." John frowned stroking her back.

"His fingers were in me." She whimpered into Anthony's chest and cried harder. Anthony's arms went around her protectively.

"I'm not gonna let him hurt you." He whispered to her and Haley came running over.

"You found her, is she alright?" She asked worried standing close to Ellie putting her hand on her back.

"Not really, her ex.. what's his name?" John asked her.

"Noah." Haley said and looked at her and looked her over. She noticed blood and she gasped. "Ellie, did he...?" She said covering her mouth. Ellie nodded silently and Anthony scooped her up holding her bridal style.

"We'll go get you new some new clothes. You can borrow a shirt and some shorts. I have a bunch." He whispered to her. Ellie bit her lip and nodded silently leaning her head on his shoulder holding onto him tightly. "Everything will be alright." He reassured her. "You can stay in the green room during the show and I'll have the security guard the door. You won't be hurt I promise you." He whispered and kissed her cheek. This was one way to get her to trust him and fall for him. Ellie sniffled and held onto him nodding silently. When they got into the room Anthony helped her change. She stayed quiet and stayed still. Haley watched frowning sadly sitting on the couch. She felt so bad that she couldn't protect her if she had gone with her on a walk then Noah wouldn't have done this to her.

"I'm so sorry Ellie." Haley said and Ellie looked at her sniffling.

"It's not your fault." She told her swallowing hard and taking the tea that Anthony handed to her.

"Hey, I have to go perform. I'll be back." He told her kneeling down and pressing a kiss on her forehead. "You'll be okay and I'll be back." He told her noticing her to be unsure about him leaving. She sniffled and nodded as he placed another kiss on her forehead and walked out quickly in just his shorts, a tank top and boots. She was in love with Anthony Kiedis and there was no denying it anymore.

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