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John was asleep on the couch

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John was asleep on the couch. A pillow over his head, his body cocooned in a blanket. Ellie had never seen anyone crash so hard that he needed to be picked up off the ground and looked like he was dead. She was on John watch as they called it now. Each of them took turns making sure he was still breathing, and helping him to the bathroom when he needed to be sick. Anthony was struggling the most with this new discovery. It was like a repeat of the future he had seen with Hillel. It broke Ellie deep down because she could see how much this hurt him.

Anthony came out from the backroom after having a moment to just wrap his mind around what was going on. "This tour isn't going well." He chuckled lowly. He ran his fingers through his long hair, letting out a desperate sigh. He sat down next to the girl. Her hand pressed onto his thigh gently.

"Chad comforting Haley?" She asked softly. Her small hand slid up to his back and rubbed along it slowly.

"Yeah." Anthony whispered and sighed softly. "I think we need to take a break from tour. Get him help." He rubbed the back of his neck. His head slowly shook and he looked down at his feet. Ellie's hand ran along his back slowly, up to his neck.

"He needs help." She sighed. She leaned her against the male's shoulder and hugged his arm tightly. "But you can't stop. I'm sure someone will take his spot till he's back." She told him. Anthony nodded and sighed. His hands dragged through his hair again, just thinking about how he was gonna have to break the news to John, then go through the process of finding someone new.


John had left tour for rehab. It was one of the hardest experiences of the bands life. Chad, Flea and Anthony all sat him down. They explained they loved him too much as a brother to watch him harm himself. They sent him on his way and brought in their new replacement. This guy was recommended by Smashing Pumpkins. Dave Navarro. He gave off the weird vibe that the other guys did, added to eccentric act that they would put on every night. Anthony liked him and all, but he could tell he had the eyes for Ellie. Tonight was evidence to that.

The band had just finished up preforming, and everything had gone pretty damn well. The crowd was lively, just looking to have a good ass time that the guys could provide. Ellie stood at the side of the stage waiting for them to get off. It was just her now on tour. Haley had decided that she was so in love with John that she would follow him anywhere and support him through anything. Flea replaced the emptiness that she was feeling with losing her best friend. Her life was going well, she had the guy of her dreams so close to being hers and the best group of friends to support them.

"You did amazing!" Ellie cheered throwing her arms around Anthony's neck. He broke into a big grin, snaking his arms around her waist and pressing her close.

"You say that about every show Ellie May." He chuckled. Ellie May, that name made the young girl's heart throb out of her chest. In a late night game of 20 questions Anthony had asked her her middle name. Once he discovered it, he was using it left and right. He thought it was the cutest thing, and that it suited her.

"Yeah because you guys are amazing! Also you stink." She told him.

"Gimme a kiss then." He said leaning close to her puckering his lips.

"Anthony! Not until you shower!" She laughed shoving him off.

"You're girl doesn't even want to kiss you." Dave said flinging his arm around the girl.

"I'm not his girlfriend." Ellie spoke up. Her cheeks flushed red at the words. They were close, but Anthony never really asked her to be his girlfriend. She thought that he was just simply looking for someone to screw around with and not get serious.

Dave raised an eyebrow at the comment and pushed a strand of blonde hair from her face. Anthony's hand launched forward and smacked it away. "Don't touch her." Anthony growled lowly jabbing the man in the chest.

"Anthony." Ellie said pushing him back. Her hands caressed his cheeks as he stared down Dave. Anthony wrapped his arm around her and brought her down the hall slowly. He opened up his dressing room door and walked in with her. Ellie stood in the middle of the room looking at him confused. "What as that about!?" She asked. Anthony didn't answer her but walked over grabbing her face. He rubbed her cheek bones and kissed her lips passionately. Ellie was taken aback by the sudden kiss, but returned it vigorously. He slowly backed her into the wall, her hands traveling up to his chest. He gripped her thigh and lifted it up to his hip. He kissed down her neck and pressed his hips up against hers.

"Anthony..." She breathed out feeling his cock press up against her waist. His hands slid up her shirt, his thumbs grazing her nipples. His eyes met hers. He looked desperate. He needed her and she could tell.

"You're mine Ellie, not his." He whispered. His voice cracked as he spoke. She nodded her pressing her lips to his.

"Prove it." She whispered wanting to get him going. With a smirk Anthony lifted her up quickly undoing the belt of his shorts and pulled them down. Ellie took off her small shorts that she was wearing along with her panties. Anthony's boxers dropped and he slowly slid into her. She let out a gasp and gripped the back of his neck. Her thighs clung to his hips, his fingers clung to her sides. The way the two held onto each other once could easily tell that they both needed each other. They were meant for one another, this was pure definition of soul mates.

Anthony's movements were rapid, mostly just moving to please the woman he was holding. Her head leaned back onto the wall letting out loud moans that were accompanied by whimpers. Anthony kissed all over her to prove himself committed to this woman. He was hitting every spot, and it was obvious because with each thrust she would moan louder and louder. She caressed the back of his head as their foreheads met. He looked into her eyes and kissed her deeply. He gripped her hip as he neared his climax. Her soft plump breast pressed up to his face as her walls tightened around his shaft. He couldn't help but groan loud as he lost himself within her sweetness. He kissed her deeply, her hands going up to his cheeks cupping them. He slowly sat her down and kissed her forehead.

"You're something else Mr. Kiedis." She giggled.

"Just for you sweet thing." He told her truthfully and kissed her lips. They got dressed, and Anthony took her hand leading her out. The other boys were on the bus already and they gave them a smirk.

"Ellie! It was past your curfew! Your father and I were worried sick!" Flea said in the most feminine voice he could create. He put his hand to his chest and gripped onto Chad. Chad looked at him laughing, shoving him off. She only rolled her eyes as did Anthony.

"I'm going to bed." She giggled.

"You can sleep in my bed, I'll join you soon." Anthony told her. He kissed her forehead and watched her walk off to the bedroom in the back. He watched her till the slider door closed and he fell back onto the couch.

"Tony Flow is in love!" Flea yelled cupping his hands around his mouth. Anthony threw a pillow at him and glared.

"Shut up!" He laughed shaking his head. He wasn't even gonna deny it because he was. He was so taken with this girl, she was everything he ever wanted. This was the girl he was gonna spend forever with. No matter what they were going to face.

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