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The morning was cold in this city when Ellie woke up. The hotel was freezing cold and the sheets were thin as hell so they supported no warmth. That wasn't to mention that she was completely alone in her room now, her bed empty of the man she had slept with the night before. She didn't know why she was up so early and she didn't like it in the slightest. She pulled the sheets over her head trying to block the sun out and the sound of the cars honking their horns that were on the street below her. It wasn't long before she got up from the bed and groaned to herself, her arms went above her head and her back cracked loudly as she did so. She knew that Anthony had gone back to his room right after they had had sex so the guys didn't get too suspicious.

She looked out the window wrapping her arms around herself and her eyes shutting for a moment. It was all so crazy, she was on tour with Red Hot Chili Peppers, she had just fucked the lead singer, and her best friend probably fucked the guitarist. In a matter of a few days her life had flipped upside down. You only live once, right? Her thoughts were ripped from her as there was a pounding on the door. She rubbed her index finger and thumb along the bridge of her nose and groaned softly. "Fuck." She whispered and shook her head. She looked around for any sort of clothing that she could pull on in a matter of seconds as the pounding continued. "Holy shit, hold on!" She yelled and tugged her pj pants that were on the ground and a random t-shirt. As she pulled it over her head she could smell Kiedis on it. She couldn't help but grin to herself, before going to the door and opening it. Haley stumbled in holding some of her clothes and covering herself with what she didn't have on.

"Took you long enough motherfucker." She groaned and made her way to the bed climbing in. She covered herself with the sheets and rolled onto her side, covering her head with the remaining sheets.

"Where we're you!?" Ellie laughed and crossed her arms. She sat down next to her friend in the bed, her hand caressing the top of her head.

"John's room. We had sex last night and this morning. Anthony yelled at us because we were being too loud." Haley muttered and shook her head. Ellie's hand went over her mouth and she snickered softly. "What's so funny!?" Haley said defensively. She shot up, glaring at the young girl beside her.

"It's just funny that Anthony said that... He was pretty loud himself last night." Ellie hinted, her teeth sinking into her lower lip after she finished the sentence. Haley looked at her with wide eyes and smacking her in the arm repeatedly.

"You fucked Kiedis!?" She yelled before Ellie's hand went over her mouth.

"Haley, there are others in this hotel you need to keep your voice down and yes." Ellie laughed. She glanced over at the door as there was another loud knock.

"Rise and shine kiddos! We have places to be!" Chad said loudly from the other side.

"Yeah, yeah! We're up." Ellie called giggling happily. "Ew! Did you just lick my hand!?" She asked Haley who just laughed. "You're a fucking weirdo." She told her as she got up. She grabbed her suitcase and tugged it to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, studying how grimy her hair looked, and how tired her face was. She tossed her clothes to the ground starting the water up. She had four dark bruises on her hips from Anthony holding them the night before. She smiled to herself as her fingers carefully grazed them.

After showering and repacking their things, Haley and Ellie made their way downstairs to meet the boys. Anthony's face turned into a big smirk seeing the blonde hair beauty that exited the elevator. "Hey kids!" Flea said happily.
Ellie smiled and yawned adjusting her shirt.

"That's my shirt!" Anthony said pointing at it.

"So? It's mine now!" Ellie laughed giving him the finger. "Finders keepers motherfucker!" She grinned wrapping her arm around Flea who placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Watch it Flea." Anthony said warningly. Ellie blushed and bit down on her lip walking over to him. She put her hands on his cheeks, squishing them softly.

"Oh is poor baby jealous?" She cooed. She continued to make baby voices at him till he dipped her down and caressed her cheek pressing his lips to hers. She let out a squeal and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Did, did I miss something!?" Flea asked confused when they two of them stood up. Ellie laughed, patting Anthony's chest kissing his cheek.

"We'll talk about it later." Anthony said wrapping his arms around her waist leading her to the bus. The group followed behind them, John having his arm around Haley and the two others following behind without ladies in toe. Ellie froze when they came out and they were swarmed by people and cameras. She gulped hard, clutching onto Anthony's hand.  "You're fine, I got you." He whispered to her. He lead them to the bus and up the stairs. John sort of stumbled as they climbed on the bus. He didn't look like himself, he had bloodshot eyes and was mumbling to himself. He looked high, but not the type from weed that she had seen before. She grabbed John by the collar tugging him to the back part of the bus.

"Why are you tugging me!?" John groaned and looked at her tiredly. He itched his arm which was covered with bandages.

"John, why do you have bandages all over your arm?" She asked worried. She was terrified that he was on something more than week that would be dangerous for not only him but for the band. She grabbed his arm and tore the bandages off to expose injection marks.

"Ellie...Stop!" John said yanking his arm away from her. "Just fucking stop! You don't have the god damn right to touch me like that!"  He yelled.

"John! You're on heroin!" She said looking at him. "You're sick! You need help!" She starter to say before she was struck in the face by him. He was high off his ass, but the snap of his hand coming in contact with her cheek made him snap out of it. Anthony ran in hearing the loud noise and the yelling. Ellie stood there holding her cheek and tears welling in her eyes.

"What the fuck just happened!? What did you do!?" Anthony yelled grabbing John away from her. "Did you hit her!?" He asked.

"He's on drugs Anthony." Ellie whimpered as Haley came over hugging her tightly starting at John horrified. "He's on heroin." She whispered.

"Where the hell did you get heroin!?" Anthony asked him and John shrugged his shoulders his face turning red in embarrassment. "To stay in this band dude you need to get off this shit because this isn't who we are! You know what I've been through with that shit! We lost Hillel to that! I don't want to lose you dude!" He said jabbing at his chest. Tears formed in Anthony's eyes because mentioning of his addiction to heroin and the loss of Hillel to heroin was something that affected him horribly. He was also embarrassed that Ellie found out this way.

"I will! I don't want out of this band, it's my life! I want to stay in this band with you guys." John said desperately and swallowed hard looking at him.

"Then you need to get better!" Anthony said seriously hugging John tightly. Ellie watched completely hurt that John would hit her, but hurt that John was struggling with this. She went over and caressed his back gently.

"We got you buddy, we'll help." She whispered. She stumbled backwards as John hugged her tightly.

"Thank you.." He whispered and shut his eyes and holding her tightly. "I'm so sorry." He whispered sighing deeply. This was gonna be a long road, but they were gonna help him. No matter what.

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