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"I'm gonna become famous, and everyone will want me

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"I'm gonna become famous, and everyone will want me. I'm gonna be the best." A guy blabbered on to the old lady that sat next to him. She was trying to tell him that working in Hollywood was hard, but he wasn't listen to her.

Ellie listened on and frequently looked at them over Haley who was sound asleep. This was their third bus in a matter of two days and this one was filled with a bunch of dreamers who were hoping to make their mark in one way or another. She knew how hard it was to try and become famous because of the countless movies she watched where guys did the same thing and struggled for months almost years until they hit it big. Not to mention that Noah had spent three years of his life and their relationship convinced that his band was going to become a big hit. They were one of the worst bands that Ellie had ever heard, their lyrics didn't make sense and their lead vocalist, Dwight, could not sing for the life of him. All three guys were good at the instruments that they played, but not together.

Thoughts like that made Ellie laugh and realize how much of a bum Noah was, she was glad that she had gotten out of that. She was the breadwinner and always brought home money, but it wasn't enough for them to pay rent. Her parents were kind enough to help pay for it because they knew that Noah wasn't going to squat with his life, and they were always trying to convince her to leave him, but she believed that he would change and someday be a better guy that she would marry and have children with. That wasn't the case though; here she was on a bus on her way to California with her best friend in a meek attempt to hide from the guy that gave her the harsh burn on her arm. Maybe Haley was right, maybe she'd find someone either walking on the street or at the concert.

The bus was starting to get hotter as they neared the city. They passed a large green sign that read "Welcome to California" with the state flower next to it. Ellie sighed and leaned back into her seat. She wore black shorts, a crop shirt, and a long plaid shirt with her shiny black boots. This was an outfit that she wore frequently in the summer and it relaxed her. She hated being bundled up like she had to be right now in Grand Rapids so this was a good change. She jumped as Haley thrashed off her blanket and groaned looking over dramatically. "What's your fucking problem?" Ellie laughed and watched her.

"This bus is hot and it smells like ass." Haley complained looking at her pouting childishly.

"Well, we are in California and there are a ton of people on this bus." She smiled and looked out the window seeing the outline of the city in the distance. Haley shot up and pushed Ellie back into her seat so she could look out the window excitedly.

"Holy balls!" She practically and pressed her freckled face against the grimy window.

"That disgusting don't do that, we're gonna need to like put soap all over your face." Ellie laughed and pushed her face off the window. Haley smiled and laughed softly leaning her head on me. We spent the next hour or so planning out how we were going to get to the house which was in the middle of nowhere by the beach. It was nice and quiet and something that Ellie just needed with everything going on in her fucked up life. Before they knew it the bus pulled to a stop and the two girls jumped up trying to get out of there before anyone else. Ellie jumped down the stairs landing on the burning pavement and made her way to grab her luggage from under the bus. "Fuck me silly, it's hot as balls!" She said leaning her head back and groaned softly looking at her friend who was struggling to get her bag out. The bus driver came over and gave one hard tug and her bag slid out perfectly.

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