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Haley knelt down next to Ellie holding a rag to her burn and cleaning it off causing her to wince and groan

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Haley knelt down next to Ellie holding a rag to her burn and cleaning it off causing her to wince and groan. "Sorry, sorry." She said sighing watching her frowning. "So you're telling me that two guys named Tony and Michael picked you up off the side of the road and didn't do anything or try to do anything?" She asked skeptically.

"Yes, they were very nice. They just listened to music and talked to each other and let me be." Ellie told him and winced at the stinging on her body as she shifted uncomfortably.

"Unbelievable." Haley said and sat next to her wrapping her arm around her shoulder being her arm gently. "I hope you're leaving Noah." She sat there for a second and then got up walking to the kitchen.

"I'm planning on it. I can't deal with it Haley, he's just changed dramatically. It's like he fucking gets off on hurting me." Ellie said shaking her head and frowned watching her grab two beers from the fridge and come back handing one to her. She popped it open and looked down at it sighing.

"He's a fucking sicko." Haley said and shook her head. "I think you and I need to fucking like go, and get out of town. Just like go to California now."

"We can go get bus tickets tomorrow." Ellie said and leaned back into the couch chugging down almost half of her beer in a few seconds. She leaned her head back licking her lips. "I didn't tell him where I was going because he didn't deserve to know." Haley nodded after she said that and sighed.

"Maybe in California you'll find someone better." Haley told her winking, but Ellie just scoffed and sat her beer down on the coffee table.

"I'm going to shower and then I'm going to bed. You should pack if we are gonna go tomorrow." Ellie said happily and made her way to the small bathroom starting the shower. She pulled off her shirt and pants leaving her in just a pair of lace panties and a bra to match. She looks at her bruised body and the burn that was on her forearm. She sighed and pulled off her two undergarments stepping into the shower and letting the warm water hit her back which relaxed her.

☾ ☾ ☾ ☾

Have you ever heard someone's voice and then immediately couldn't get it out of your head? That was Ellie with Tony's voice and laugh. Just everything about this complete stranger held some sort of spot in her head. Anthony was the same, and as he laid in his hotel room bed in just a pair of boxers staring at the ceiling. He remembered the look of her face, the way her wet hair lined her face and her makeup was ruined because of the rain. Flea wouldn't leave him alone about her and even told John and Chad about her. They had been just nonstop harassing him about it and it was getting on his nerves. The only thing he knew was that her name was Ellie and she seemed to live in Michigan, and that was it. He might never see her again so it probably wasn't worth it to think about her. They both were laying in bed and were distant lovers that had really fell in love at first sight.


"Get up! Now!!" Haley yelled hitting her best friend with the feather filled pillow harshly. "Ellie! We have to go!" She yelled in her ear. Ellie pulled the sheets over her head and frowned mumbled tiredly for her to go away, but she wasn't really listening ripping off the sheets. "This is my house get up!" She said and Ellie sat up huffing irritated.

"I'm up, give me like 30." Ellie said and frowned as Haley giggled nodding quickly.
"Cali here we come!!" She cheered running out excitedly.

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