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"Ellie, grab that bag for me!" Anthony yelled carrying two other bags over his shoulders. Ellie gave him a nod and ran over to the bag that was sitting on the curb. Before she could grab it Flea lifted it up and grinned at her winking.

"Pretty girls don't have to do hard work." He told her and ruffled her hair as he walked past her. She rolled her eyes and watched him walk away. She watched as John and Haley walked out of the house and she rolled her eyes.

"At lease you two got a room this time." Ellie teased to Haley as she stood beside her.

"It's just a fling." Haley muttered and crossed her arms as her face turned bright red.

"It's just a fling." Ellie mocked and laughed hard as Haley shoved her into the street. "I could've died!" She said dramatically and Anthony's head snapped over worriedly. He looked away a smile on his face when he saw she was alright.

"El, I'm telling yah he has a thing for you." Haley said suddenly and looked at him then her. Ellie let out a sigh and glanced over at Anthony biting her lip.

"I dunno maybe you're right, but I'm not gonna go for it." She whispered and brushed her hair out of her face.

"Ladies you ready!?" Chad asked throwing his arms around the shorter females who grinned up at him.

"Hey! Chad! Hands off!" John yelled pointing his finger at Haley warningly. Chad took his arm off Haley and Ellie let out a laugh.

"Just a fling." Ellie teased and rolled her eyes. Chad scooped Ellie up and grinned happily walking to the bus. "Chad!" She laughed. "If you drop me I'll fucking sue you for damages!" She told him and looked at him smiling. He climbed the stairs of the bus and tossed her into a bunk.

"I would never El!" He told her pretending to look offended. "Anthony would have my neck!" He grinned happily. Ellie blushed darkly and looked at Chad.

"Ooh do you like Kiedis?" He teased and she shook her head quickly shooting up in the bunk.

"What no! Not at all!" She tried to play her feelings off and not seem like some love sick puppy. "He's just a friend!" She told him and crossed her arms. "All he'll ever be." She muttered and got out of the bunk pushing past Chad and down the hall. She was in love with Anthony, but couldn't admit that to someone he spent a lot of time with. He could tell him and then Anthony could hold that over her head and lord only knows that he would probably make fun of her. Thoughts of Anthony flooded her mind as she flopped on the couch and stared out the window as the others piled on. She felt someone sit next to her and she looked away from the window to the person next to her. It was Anthony, her heart fluttered seeing his crooked teeth become exposed in a big grin.

"You seem lost in thought." He told her in his soothing, gruff, voice.

"When am I not?" She laughed softly and bit her lip rubbing her neck. "Just things on my mind." She explained and gave him a light shoulder shrug.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked wrapping his arm around her and tugged her close. Her face went red and she swallowed hard slowly shaking her head.

"It's okay, I really don't want to bother you with my problems." She admitted and put her hand on his chest. The feeling of how solid his pecks were shocked her. She knew he was fit, but didn't think this fit. Anthony looked at her and smiled.

"You okay?" He asked again smiling down at her. She snapped out of it again and looked at him smiling shyly pulling away, but getting pulled back into his chest.

"I-I.. Yes." She said looking at him her face bright red. "So, who's this tour with?" She asked trying to change the subject to be a lot less weird.

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