When you get suspended

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You got suspended because you punched Tennoji. Sano just said to stop always getting angry so fast. You yelled you hate Tennoji. He just readed. He added to try not get expelled. You glared and left. He cares but tries not to show it too much.


You got into a argument with a teacher and he suspended you. You hugged nakatsu while saying you will kill the man. Nakatsu just nervous smiled and kept saying stuff to cheer you up. He said not to go kill anyone. He gave you a smile so you nodded.


You got angry at the vending machine so kicked the glass, but accidently broke it. so got a week suspended. Nanba laughed for hours at the accident before he actually took you to the doctor for the cuts in your leg. He helped you pay the incident.


You went to the roof which is forbidden and a student told on you. You got suspended for a week so Taiki took you to a cafe around the corner so you wouldn't be upset. He sad not to keep going to the roof everyday. You nodded while sipping on drink.


You skipped classes few times so got suspended as punishment. You held Ashiya's arm and told her to stop studying since school's stupid. She gave you advise about doing good in school so you two can live together after school. You just nodded before doing earphones in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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