When their sick

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This chapter was rewriten so all the mistakes should be out.


He will keep trying to work out and continue his day as if he's not very sick. You will be forced to sit on his lap so he will keep laying on his bed and start relaxing. When he finally relaxes, he will pull you down so he can hug you and read his book while holding you tigthly.


He will want to keep going his usual day as if he isn't sick since he likes to act tough. When you tell him to go lay down in his bed and eat his medicine, he will refuse but quickly run to his room when he sees your upset face.


He will still try to kiss you and hug you but you will refuse, not wanting to get sick. So he will quickly to rest, wanting to get healthy fast so he can hold you and kiss you soon.


He will sense it coming so he will already be resting and taking medicine. When you tell him it's unhealthy to just take medicine, he will chuckle and hug you, saying you don't need to worry because he can feel that he's gonna be very sick soon.

She will try to keep doing her usual things so you will have to carry her to her bed and keep an eye on her. She will be thankful that your taking care of her. When she's better, she will hug you and give you many kisses as a thank you.

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