When you cry

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This chapter was rewriten so all the mistakes should be out.


He will stare, wondering what he should do before hugging you and assuring you it's okay. He will let you sleep on him while he reads his book, his hand stroking your hair to comfort you.


He will panic and ask why you're crying while trying to figure it out. When you explain it through sniffs and sobs, he stared, trying to process what you just said then he gave you a sad smile before assuring you it's okay.


He will get out the room and return with your favorite snacks then wrap you in a blanket before cuddling you on his bed, asking what wrong is. While you explain, he will be giving your cheek and temple kisses to cheer you up. When your done crying he will feed you your favorite snacks while telling you it's all okay.


He will not have to put his hands up to know your sad. He will hug you and ask you what wrong is. When you just cry more he will quickly put on your favorite movie and hope that will cheer you up. While your watching, he will leave to get you some water. After the movie, you explained to him why you were crying. He will say it's all okay now and hug you while putting on another movie.

She will panick and ask what happened and if someone hurt you. When you tell her what happened, she will give you sad eyes before wiping your tears away before kissing your cheek and cuddling you, trying to cheer you up by giving you cuddles and kisses.

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