Chapter 16: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58

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So, since this is a different parallel than our world, this is a bit different, so bare with me here. 

Chapter 16

Laura's POV:

 We didn't stay in Hamburg very much longer after George left. Well I didn't. It had been about a week, 10 days to be exact when Paul and Ringo had to leave. I knew they would do it, but on Tuesday Paul and Ringo were moving their things out of the apartment we were staying in. The boys lost their contract witht he club they were playing at and they were moving to a different place. John and Stu had already moved all of their belongings out, and I had gone with them because I didn't want to be out in the dark in the middle of dirty Hamburg, with two strapping young men or not. 

 Anyway, it was dark, as Paul said, and they needed light, so they nailed a condom on th wall and set it on fire. Stupid idea right? Well obviously they were caught and they spent the night in jail. When they actually showed up at the apartment over the Top Ten Club, where we were now living, Paul wrapped his arms around me. He looked like a scared child. 

 "Where have you been!?" I scolded, "I was worried sick!" I kissed his cheek and hugged him as Ringo explained with an amused grin. I did not find this at all amusing. John of course laughed along and Stuart called Paul and Ringo immature, which I happened to agree with. 

Paul grabbed my hands, stopping my fussing over him, and he kissed my lips, "I'm alright, love." He said seriously, "Calm down." I blushed and he kissed my knuckles before he let go of me and walked away. 

"I'm exhausted." RIngo said yawning. Paul nodded, agreeing with him.

 "I'm going to go to bed." He said, more talking to the others. He was looking at me when he said it though. I nodded and sat down on the couch. I sighed and rolled my eyes as Paul shut his bedroom door. 

At around 2:00 there was a loud banging on the door. I frowned as Ringo came out of his room and answered the door. Two plainly dressed policemen were standing there speaking German, and when Ringo didn't seem to understand them, they spoke in borken English. Before I could even comprehend much of what was going on, Paul was getting dressed quickly and gathering his things. Paul kept trying to explain, but I still didn't understand. 

"Come with us." One of the police officers said looking right at me. I hadn't done anything wrong, so I didn't realize he was speaking to me. "Miss, I said come with me!" I looked at him and then at Paul. He shook his head. 

 "No, no, no she hasn't done anything." He said waving his hands in front of him. The officer didn't hear him, or he didn't understand. 

 "Come with me." He repeated putting his hand on the barrel of his revolver. My eyes got wide and I hurried over to them. RIngo and Paul followed close behind and we were escorted out of the building. Paul kept a tight hold on my hand, and I wasn't sure if it was because he was scared or if he wanted to make sure I was alright. Ringo held my other handjust in case Paul let go. I knew he wasn't scared. 

Another whirlwind of German and things I didn't understand and then we were on our way to Liverpool. Paul had managed to gat ahold of John on the phone and he told him what was going on before we left. John said he'd be staying a bit longer with Stu, which I figured he'd chose to do. 

Ringo called George and told him we were on our way and he needed to come and get us at the train station when we arrived.

Once we were in Liverpool, I was wondering what George and Violet had been up to since they left us in Hamburg. I wondered what would happen between Paul and me once George came back into the picture. I liked Paul. I really did. I liked him a whole lot more than I did even when we started to go out. He was really sweet, and romantic at times. But part of me thought it was because George wasn't there to steal my affection away from Paul. I took a deep breath as Paul started to lean over on me. The Germans had put us on a plane to London. From London we were going to catch a train to Liverpool. 

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