Like Brother Like Sister - Final Chapter.

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Okay so i wanted to leave it a while before i got back to you on this. But i kinda forgot :S SORRRRY!

Its very short and unfortunately its the last chapter.


i want to know what you think! :D


Ava's POV


"Greg?!" I cried the name out as I rushed over to them both. I couldn't tell which one was shot, I was in too much of an emotional shock to think properly. Luis came over and grabbed my arm, trying to pull me away.

"PISS OFF! Leave me alone! Pleasee..." I cried, I wanted to know who was shot, but neither of them moved, in the end I pushed over one of them.

I gasped, Greg was lying there unconscious probably from the punches, whereas Jake.

He was shot.

I cried in happiness to know that I hadn't lost Greg, and that Jake had finally got what he deserved. I knelt down crying next to Greg trying to get him to wake up, but he wouldn't. Was he dead? No, he was breathing.

"Ava, I really think we should get you out of here" Luis said as I heard ambulances arrive. I shook my head as I held Greg's hand. He needed me, now more than ever and I will be here with him.

"Greg? Greg, greeg!" I kept on repeating his name, hoping he would wake up by the sound of my voice. But he didn't.

"Madam" I heard someone say, I took no notice and carried on saying Greg's name, holding his hand in mine close to me.

"She wont let go of him" I heard Luis say to the man. He got that right. Greg's eyes fluttered open a tiny bit and I dropped his hand in shock.

"GREG?!" I shouted at him, he seemed shocked by my voice, I saw him smile slightly.

"Av..a?" he asked. I nodded to know I heard him.

"Is he... is he dead?" I looked over to Jake and nodded.

"Gone for good" I said smiling.

The next few weeks were hell. People coming up to me asking what had happened, me just smiling and acting like it was nothing. Greg returns next week, but we won't be going out, I don't like him like that now, just a best friend, even after everything.

Besides, me and Luis have decided to give it another go, so far it's gone pretty good. But that's one hour for you.

Abigail bothers me no more, even though I AM centre of attention, and Jason.. Well he is just Jason.

So long suckers.

My life is on the recovering side.

Sorry for disappointed.

Ciao. ;)

Like Brother Like Sister....  COMPLETED.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz