Like Brother Like Sister.... Chapter 1

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Heyahh Everyone :D

This is my new Story and i hope you really like it :)

I would like to know whether to continue or not :/ Because i want to see whether you like it so please comment on it and let me know, and dont forget to vote as well as it is only one click really :)


Boarding school.

Ever heard of it?

Ever visited one?

Ever had to leave your old life behind and start a new life at one?

Ever tried running away from one?

My names Ava I'm sixteen, which in my case means I'm an adult. Where I live nearly every teenager goes to our local boarding school which teaches people from ages 9 to 21. I know weird seeing as many schools only teach students till 18 at the most. So when I found out I was moving there, well let's say it didn't go to well.

"You what! Why on earth would you change jobs just for the fun of it? I am sick of always being the girl who moves when her mum feels like it! Was it an affair? Did you sleep with your boss?" I screamed at my mum. This isn't the first time she has let me down. Only 1 year ago did we move from America to England because of a job? It took me ages to fit in seeing as I was known as the American girl who always gets what she wants. Boys, money and mates. Well to me that's not everything, seeing as I have to abandon any friends and even my boyfriend to set out a new life in London. Then I found out the hard way that the reason we moved was because she broke up with her boss's brother!

"How very dare you! Just to let you know I never slept with him, it was one kiss and okay he may have done some pleasur-"she stopped there because I slapped her. Her cheek went red instantly but I didn't care. I can't just let her get away with all this, for Christ's sake she is my mother! She still had her hand covering her cheek, and keeping her head down she managed to look me in the eyes.

Her eyes were not full of guilt nor were they full of forgiveness. They were filled, right to the very top with anger.

"You evil little cow! How dare you slap me you b-"

"What! Since when have I ever not had the right to slap you! You deserve more than a slap! You treat me like a servant, except I never get paid to put up with your behaviour! Well not anymore."

"I'm not paying you anything!"

"WHAT THE HELL! I was on about not putting up with your behaviour; I wouldn't take your money! I don't want anything from you!"

"Same here! In fact why do we still live together? Huh! Next door don't live with their kids!"

"Their 38 years old! And I live with you because that's natural, it's with all the other natural things a daughter and mum should do together. Talking about girl things, boyfriends, having one on one time on the way to school!"

"School" my mum whispered.

"What? That's what I said school, which by the way I'm losing valuable learning time at the moment."

"Boarding school" the words hit me hard. I knew what she was trying to do and I won't let her.

"I'm leaving, like now. I will stay at Greg's till I can manage money wise to fend for myself"

"Who is Greg? And I want you back by dinner"

"Wait what? I said I'm leaving as in not coming back! Dont you get it, you have had somany chances to treat me like your daughter and yet you blew them, each chance left with the part of my life I left behind and I'm sick of it"

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