Like Brother Like Sister.... Chapter 5

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Heyahh Everyone :D The fifth part!!!

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I have spent far too long in this hell hole and it's not like I wanted to anyway! But it's not going to be easy. They have big iron gates and lots of security. Plus where am I going to go? I could always go to Wales and meet up with my aunty and uncle. It doesn't cost a lot and I can easily get a train to there.

I might leave it a couple of days, so my brother and Luis don't get suspicious. I got up and wiped my eyes, no way am I going to any classes today, so I headed towards the nurses office. It was placed in reception and as I knocked on the door I realised it was already jam packed.

"Ahhh another student, have you got first day syndrome as well?" I heard the nurse ask.

"I have umm just been sick and I feel ever so drowsy and dizzy" I said. Its true I did feel dizzy but I haven't been sick, yet.

"Come here and let me check your temperature" the nurse said as she motioned me to come over. I knew I was very hot because I was so angry and upset. So when she stuck the thermometer in my mouth and felt my forehead I already knew the outcome.

"Yes well you do seem over heated so umm let's see, there isn't much room here so would you mind going back to your dorm" she asked, this is exactly what I wanted. I nodded then slowly made my way out of the office. A couple of people stopped and asked me if I was okay on my way to my room, but I just nodded and carried on walking. I must look like a wreck, but it all adds to effect.

As I opened my room I immediately lay on my bed and cried myself to sleep.


Jason's POV

Ava carried on walking; I thought I could hear her crying so I started to follow her. Then Luis's hand went around my wrist and as I looked up at him he shook his head. I was angry at so many people at the moment.

Luis because he is trying to steal my sister, I just know that he won't treat her as a precious doll, he will just break her heart.

Chris because he wound me up, I mean touching her leg and slapping her butt! How disgusting can you get! I will have to get revenge.

And not forgetting Ava. I wasn't that angry with her but I just didn't like the way she thought I was over protective. After everything I went through trying to track her down. I got a call from our dad saying about Ava, I was at school at the time but I just faked and illness and went on my laptop. I searched the neighbourhood dad had told me about. I found out that it wasn't that far from here, so I planned to find her on our weekend visits.

Then one weekend I was hanging about with Jake and Sam and I saw a girl on a bench, she looked a

lot like Ava and so I went over. We talked and well that's how we got here.

I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid, I may not know her that well but I have some kind of idea.

"Just leave her Jason" I heard Luis say. He sounded sad, probably because he had blew his one chance at a relationship of any kind with Ava, because of me.

"Whatever, I'm going to next lesson, you coming?" I asked, I may not be keen on Luis but he is kind of in the same situation as me.

"No, I'm going to an appointment, school has booked me in for counselling session" what? This boy as issues man, well if he aint going ot class, and Ava isn't going ot clas, then why on earth should I go!

Like Brother Like Sister....  COMPLETED.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora