Like Brother Like Sister.... Chapter 11

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Heyahh! This is a short one but i want you to get a jist of what the story is really all about, i hope you like it!




Ava's POV


Why do I have to be so cruel to the two girls who made me feel so welcome at this school?

Why do I have to love my ex boyfriend who cheated on me? If he didn't come back till a month later I would have gotten over him.

Why does the whole school hate me? Well this is the only question I can answer. The whole school hates me because I have practically broke up with THE most popular boy in the school for some boy that cheated on me and is just so desperate to go out with me again, that its sad.

But I love him, and if that means everyone hating me then screw them, screw them all.

As I walked out of the lesson I saw Greg and Luis talking to each other. Okay when I say talking I mean angry faces, angry positions...etc you get what I mean. Then Luis walked away leaving one Greg looking completely clueless then happy.

What did Luis say to him? Speak of the devil, coming to me.

Our eyes were locked on to each other. But he didn't seem angry or really happy.

"Umm hi" he said. He sounded a bit nervous but I tried to act calm, I mean he aint the one who is hated by everyone?

"Hey" I replied.

"I see you actually didn't tell Greg then" he kind of asked then answered himself. I knew he was on about what I said that night but there were people around, and I don't want them knowing everything.

"No, but I see you just have. I must say nicely put. Oh and no-one likes me anymore apart from Greg so that's another plan of yours accomplished" I told him. He looked at me weirdly then smiled.

"You really think I turned everyone against you?"

"No" I replied. He looked confused.

"What?" he asked me.

"I KNOW you turned everyone against me, your practically king of this school and I thought you loved me"

"Whoa! Hold up there. I DID love you but it was you who didn't love me. If you did then you wouldn't get all cosy up to me and pretend I'm Greg! And I think you will find you screwed up your life all by yourself."

"Whatever just so you kn-" I started.

"Laters!" he interrupted me. Then left me standing there in a mood. Damn! I hate it when things don't go my way. But at least I know for sure that I did and well I guess I still do love Greg. I then headed to my room and lay on my bed.

It was around twenty minutes later that I heard tapping at my window. It reminded me of when Luis used to tap on my window with a stone. So sweet. I was all cosy on my bed so I decided that if the tapping continued for another 30 seconds I would get up then and not now.

I got up as the tapping hadn't finished. I opened my curtains then lifted up my blind. To my surprise there was no-one. A prank. Typical.

But just as I was about to lay back down I saw a boy get up from where he was sitting then her turned to face my window. It was Greg. He started miming to me but I couldn't read what he was saying. Then he used his arms and hands and I realised he was trying to say to open my window.

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