Like Brother Like Sister.... Chapter 4

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Sorry guys this is a very hort chapter but i wanted to give you a little more of a cliffhanger :P

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I waited till everyone took their usual seats then I went to the teacher. I already noticed that there was a free place next to Jason and Luis.

"Sir, I am new, my name is Ava" I said as I held out my hand, he shook it.

"Good to meet you Ava, now lets see where you can sit" he directed his hand to a seat new the window, it was next to a boy around my height with a surfer style hair but not too long that he looked like a girl, long enough to look totally cute! He had maroon coloured eyes that matched his hair colour.

He smiled as I came and sat next to him.

Maybe I could wind Luis and Jason up.

"Hey hope you don't mind me sitting here" I said with a deep but I like to think seductive voice on.

"Not at all, its about time I had a sexy study partner" he said winking at me.

"Get out your books and well revise, we have an exam coming up soon so make sure you ace it!" our maths teacher said.

I went to open the book when his hand brushed over mine.

"You never told me your name" I told him.

"Chris, and yours?"

"Ava" I said with the same voice on.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, but I can't help thinking you're doing this in spite of others"

"Oh sorry, look you're really nice but well, you're not my type" I said in my normal voice. I hope I didn't sound harsh.

"It's okay, shall we wind them up some more?" he asked. I liked the way this boy thought. So I took a quick glance at Luis then at Jason and just as I thought they were staring back with anger all over their face.

"Why not?" I whispered into his ear as I giggled afterwards. I could see Jason's hand curled up into a fist motion.

Chris then put his hand on my leg.

I smiled back at him and then rose from my seat. It was as if he read my mind and just as I walked past him he slapped my butt and smirked.

"Cheeky" I said. I think I may have pushed it too far.

"Sir may I be excused and go to the toilet please" he nodded his head then I smiled cheekily at Chris and headed for the door.

It wasn't long till they came out. First it was Luis then followed by Jason.

"What the hell-" Jason started.

"-Do you think you were doing" Luis finished for him.

"Me! I know what you two have been up to! Jason for starters can you not be so protective over me! I can have a boyfriend without your permission you know. And Luis why didn't you wait for me today? I thought you really liked me?"

"I do, and I was going to you but something happened" Luis said then he looked at Jason.

I looked at Jason.

"What happened" I said never taking my eyes off Jason.

"I can't say" Luis said.

"Really? Well let's see shall we, if I rearrange the wording of my question and say what did my brother threaten you with, then maybe you can answer me"

"He didn't threaten me" Luis said, not once looking at me in the eyes. I looked back at Jason who was smiling.

"Jerks" I said as I pushed past them not returning back to class.

"Not going back to class?" I heard my brother shout at me. My eyes were filled with tears and I could barely make out the path ahead of me. I then collapsed down onto the floor, sobbing my heart out. Is this how my life will always be? Never getting married because my brother threatens everyone or shall I say every boy that will ever try to talk to me.

I have to leave.

I cant stay here another day.





Away. Now

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