Chapter 29

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His mind was still a bit blank by the time Wilson woke.

He was surprised he had even woken up, exhaustion and soreness in his limbs taking over.

He groaned, moving his hand to hold onto the side of his head. A bandage covered the side of his head, Wilson tracing the way it had gone.

Just over a cut in his forehead.

He winced back; the wound still stinging.

He turned his head over, blinking at the gifts that rested beside his bed. Flowers, a few books, heck even a pie and some candles. He must have guessed that Desire had given him the candles.

It was reassuring to know that she was still alive. She hadn't been hurt.

He could barely move, taking in a deep breath. His chest hurt just doing that.

His right arm was held in place by long leather bands. Long burns and yellow like blisters formed into his tanned and red skin. He could barely feel it.

He flinched in an attempt to move his fingers. Not even one of them budget.

Wilson leaned back, breathing calmly. It almost felt like a dream.

The bell, the fire, the smoke, and the dragons all felt like a dream.

From the door the voices of several others hurried by. A few knights laughed and hurried by. They had crutches and bandages the same way he had.

Maybe he was dead and it was all a hallucination. A vision of what would have happened had he lived through the bell.

He shut his eyes, relaxing in his bed. Everything he had done only for him to wind up dead.


Wilson peeked open an eye, Argo racing into the room, his loud voice ringing in WIlson's ears. He wasn't dead, thankfully. Silently Emmy followed, her hands covering her mouth as she smiled sheepishly.

They were dressed in new, clean clothes. WHite undershirts and trousers, simple things they hadn't been ripped and torn up over the last few days. Same thing that he wore.

Argo must have noticed the painful wince, his voice getting softer.

"You're finally awake!" Argo smiled, a similar bandage tied tightly around his right eye.

Wilson could barely mutter a hello, too taken back at the injury the halfling had obtained.

"Where'd you get that?" He gestured to his eye.

Argo went quiet, "DOn't worry about me. You were the one who nearly got burnt up!"

Burnt up? He sat up. The bell explosion, he recalled.

"You've been fast asleep for three days and the first thing you want to worry about is us?" Emmy chuckled. She crossed her arms, a cast wound tightly to her arm.

Three days?

Three days since they escaped the desert, three days since he had been nearly blow up, three days since the siege on the castle. WIlson leaned his head against the palm of his hand.

Three days since the bell's destruction.

It had been a short three days.

The doctor sighed, entering the room upon hearing the noise, they held a clipboard with several papers attached to it. They flipped through them before reading out loud, "You were heavily exhausted, several poorly treated wounds, and had major burn wounds." They listed off.

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