Chapter 18

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The three didn't fight back as they were lead down the castle halls. Emmy shrieked insults as the doors closed behind her and with it the witch.

"I thought you were pretty before you became an asshole!" She dragged on and on, "Give me back my mother, you bitch!"

Wilson's stomach twisted; unsure if Emmy was positive her mother was alive after so long. Or if she was in denial about her mother's death.

In his wariness, he looked back at Argo.

The halfling was cuffed, a band tied tightly around his mouth to stop any smoke magic from blinding people. It didn't completely; smoke rising from his ears.

On occasion he would make eye contact with the defeated halfling before Argo looked away.

They sank lower and lower down the dark stairs. The desert heat slowly vanished as they hurried down the stairways. The air becoming musty and thick with humidity.

Rooms of other prisoners came into view, a few were dark and empty. Others had the faint light of fire inside.

Wilson and Emmy being pushed into one of the empty ones. Two beds, much to Wilson's dismay. Stalagmites grew from the ceiling.
A leak dropped from the ceiling, dripping into the bucket of water. Were they under the river?'

"I'd like a separate cell." Argo muffled speech caught Wilson's ears. The halfling, hesitant before entering the room.

The knights shook their heads, "Can't."

"Maybe one of them will kill the others," the other confirmed while untying Argo, "Go on."

Pointing to her mouth, Emmy undid the scarf from around Argo's mouth, tossing it into the barrel of water.

"What are you- Hey wait!" Wilson turned to ask before the door slammed shut and they were left in the dark. A soft click sounded just beyond the door.

Wilson stopped banging on the door once he realized no one was around to hear him. He rested his forehead to the door, a sigh of defeat escaping his mouth.

They were going to die.

Wilson wondered what mistake he had made that ended in him about to die.

Was it his arrival to the Capital? His decision to work for the King himself? Maybe his visit to the Moon Ceremony? Or maybe it was him agreeing to be Princess Regan's 'date?'

It was cold and musty in the small dungeon, the darkness creeping up on him. Alastair was going to kill them. She was going to kill them all.

"Wil? Come on, we'll-" A hand held onto his shoulder. Wilson turned around to Argo, batting the halfling's hand away from him.

"We'll what?" He retorted, an anger building up inside him, "We'll sneak out of a stronghold with a thousand different guards waiting for us on the outside!"

Argo looked away, shrugging. "I-I don't know. We can find a way. I have some friends who can-"

"Sure, you do." Wilson sighed, he looked back up. "And what did they mean by all this assassin business?"

He was not a criminal. He was hoping they were lying to get a rise out of them. A bluff.

Argo flinched, his body tensing up at their question.

He sat down on the second bed, "Please, don't be mad." He said, not daring to look Wilson in the eye. "It was a when my father was killed-"

Emmy gasped, "You killed him..."

A hole in his stomach opened up as the three words were suggested.

"No... no... but I saw who did," He sighed, "A sprinkle of something in his drink at a party. I later found out it was the powder of apple seeds, who would have thought?"

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