Chapter 20

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For the rest of the day, they were held in a cell closer to the arena. He counted the stalactites on the ceiling. (104 by his count.), waiting for the day when Argo's 'friends' would come and save them. Or until they would be sent to the arena to fight Jacques.

Argo paced back and forth, "He'll most likely challenge me. If he does, you two better stay out of my way. Jacques likes to flaunt his power."

He wasn't a coward.

Wilson rubbed his temple, the blood rushing to his head.

"And let him kill you," Wilson tossed a ball of grey paste, what they had been served for lunch, into the air, "I can't let that happen."

He caught it with ease.

Argo smugly replied, "And you aren't fit to fight him. You could barely hold your own against a paper bag."

Emmy giggled at the comparison.

"Har, har." Wilson sat up straight, "I would fight if I wanted to."

Rolling her eyes, Emmy replied, "Sure, you could..."

It wasn't until they were standing in the center of the arena, the yelling of thousands in his ears with only Emmy and Argo by his side, and a sword in his hand did he realize that he had lied.

None of the other cages had been put up for the day, only one with a rather large and terrifying looking ball of gray. It creaked with every swing, under Jacques's weight.

A puddle of blood and feathers littered the area below it, turning the sand to clumps.

The crowds overhead screamed for gory entertainment.

Among them, soft umber skin was glowing under sun.

Alastair watched with a lack of amusement from her balcony. The raven sitting on her shoulder. Charlotte stood by her side, eyes refusing to look down at the fights.

The spokesman, held up a hand to silence the crowd.

"Ladies, gents, enemies, and allies," The announcer finally spoke, standing on the edge of the balcony, "Our Queen has finally decided on the band of valiant leaders that will lead our kingdom to victory."

Wilson glanced over at Argo. How many more assassins? How many more shape shifters? Mind Readers? Humans?

"Our first three for the day, and trust me it will be a long day, an assassin, a mind reader, and a human," The spokesman introduced them, "The future of our land rests in the palms of their hands..."

Wilson's grip on the sword tightened.

"Or in the ones next in line, either way we have plenty of battles for you today!" he cried out, going from poetic to enthusiastic, voice giddy and sing-song like, "Any words to add onto this my Queen?"

Alastair's eyes caught Wilson's and he swallowed the lump in his throat.

She stuttered, voice small and low, "M- may th...this be a lesson to those who wish to join our local rebellion."

Charlotte nodded once, a smug look of pride on her face.

The crowd applauded and cheered.

"Now, to begin! Our first fight for the day is against a harpy!" The spokesmen beamed dramatically, "Exotic, rare, you might even say that is was unlikely for us to discover such a creature-" All eyes sudden fell on the three. "But we had some help~"

Wilson wanted to turn to Argo, yet he didn't. He wasn't sure why.

The cage shifted once again.

"Now, this harpy just so happens to be different. He didn't want to fight our so called trio." The spokesman said. Wilson tensed. He wondered if they were lying to rally the audience or not.

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