Chapter 25

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The light was barely coming over the horizon when Wilson made a move throughout the building.

He could barely sleep, knowing the outside threats would find them.

Light peeked into from a near boarded up window. The room was not as large as Wilson thought it could be.
Ravens croaking from the windows and flying off as soon as he looked up to glare at them.

The equipment was littered around the floor, jars of some healing salves had been smashed to pieces as if a tornado had been through the area. The citizens must have scattered for the supplies.

Or maybe it was where the bell had been powered.

He prayed it wasn't.

"We are so screwed." Emmy rested her head on her knees. Wilson wanted to argue yet he bit his tongue. To say they weren't screwed would be an understatement. They were dead meat.

He didn't tell Emmy.

"You don't know that," He patted her on the back, "We might be able to-"

There was a knock at the door, making Emmy jolt awake.

No one waited for an answer.

Mia burst through the door, followed by several other armor clad soldiers. They gripped weapons, spears, swords, golden guns and magic within their hands.

Argo was among them. Wilson froze.

"What are you doing here?" Mia snarled at them, "You're supposed to be taking the first boat out of this hellhole!"

"What are you doing here?" Wilson asked back, not as angrily as the shorter woman.

"The bell wasn't at the arena," Mia coughed, "It was some sort of fake out. An ambush. We followed some guards here but..."

He wondered if they had killed the knights after following them.

Argo asked, as if they had any idea on where the bell was, "Where is it? It wasn't scheduled for departure until much later."

Wilson shared a look at Emmy, both of them uneasy at the idea of telling them what had happened to the bell.

"I guess they got tired of waiting."

Mia shook her head. "The bell isn't even at full power! They wouldn't risk such an operation."

"Well, maybe they found a way to power it completely?" Suggested Wilson.

Some sort of spell to keep it safe incase someone was bold enough to destroy it. It was probably Charlotte's idea. After all, she seemed to take charge of almost everything in the kingdom.

Mia held out a hand to silence Wilson, "Shut up, you are giving me a bloody headache." She rubbed her temples, "What about the rest of the boats? We saw one take off and didn't have the equipment to follow it."

"They burned them all. We couldn't do anything to stop them."

"Yes, you could have! Tackle them, act faster, do something other than get yourselves killed." Argo snapped and ran a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh, "Take charge for once instead of just following everyone else."

Wilson opened his mouth to respond but found none.

He turned away and paced along the room. There had to be someway out of the kingdom. Was Alastair that determined that her own plan would work? Or was she that stupid to put so much faith in a single plan.

Wilson left, wandering the small hallways of the rooms. It must have been a hospital before hand, several rooms that were empty or cut off.

He was a coward, wasn't he?

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