Chapter 12

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“Well?” the harpy cooed, Wilson's attention being brought back from the harpy’s necklace.

They're, oddly, pale skin was dotted with freckles. What appeared like gray and white hairs made up their hair and traveled down their neck and to their shoulders.

His eyes, one pupil wide while the other shrank, were red like the murders of black birds.

Along with the kingdom symbol, several jewels and crystals clicked together around his neck.

“What's wrong? Cat caught your toungue?”
Wilson squaked, the harpy snagged the necklace off the ground lifting it up to his actual height.

He had to be taller than the king. Much taller than the king.
“Well, its been too long since I’ve seen something like this,” said the stranger.
Wilson suddenly felt Emmy jab into his side. Her eyes staring wide eyed at the sight of the harpy.

Wilson found his voice, “That's mine!” he lunged grabbing it out of the harpy’s grip. He backed away when he saw the size of the claws.
Black and sharp. Large enough to fit his fist in the center.

He backed right into Emmy.
“And why would a human have a necklace like this?” they asked, standing high over Wilson, “It can't possibly be yours. Unless you stole it.”

“What? No!”
“Why should you care where he got it,” Emmy spoke up, “Looks like you already have one yourself.”
“Stay outta this missy.”

He went to shove at Emmy; taken back as she sidestepped and launched a sock at his stomach. He grimanced but didn't falter completely, eyeing down Emmy. Wilson stepped back, hiding behind Emmy.

It was rather impressive to not see her backdown. But he couldn’t take his mind off the way her hands shook in place.

“Don't try it girly...”

“Jacques, buddy!”

Argo suddenly stood inbetween the two. His hand pushing the harpy back by the chest.

“I thought we agreed not to make a scene the next time we met.”

“Tell that to the human thief.”
“Tell that to the lying chicken.” Emmy snapped before Wilson could defend himself.
“You two know each other?”
“Of course!” Snapped Argo.

Argo gestured to the harpy, “Wilson, Emmy, this is my friend Jacques. You know the one I said cheats at poker.”
“I don’t cheat at poker.” Jacques laughed as an ace slipped out from between his feathers. He turned away from it as if ignoring it would make it go away.

“And I was just curious about your necklace. I haven’t seen a human with one in ages," he cooed.

“Ah, so you're a jeweler now too?” Emmy snapped sarcastically.

Jacques winked at Emmy, “I am also a famed jeweler with few human customers. I appreciate you asking.”

Emmy rolled her eyes.
Jewelers must not have paid much since he looked like a mess.

Clothes ruffled up and covered in sand and dirt, the harpy iched at the thick feathers that lay under his arm.

A few of them fell to the ground, torn around the edges as if they hadn't been properly cleaned in months.. The necklace jingled with his motions.

Definitly not a jeweler.

“Well, you must not pay very good attention, Alastair  is human.”
At least he thought she was.

“Oh~ She is?” He smiled, eyes wide with the crazy look in them, wandering as if lost in thought. Wilson grew sick, wondering what sick plot the man was preparing.

“You don’t eat humans, you dumbass," groaned Argo as if reading his mind.

“Not ones like him.” He gestured a wing to Wilson. “Too much bone, not enough reward.”

“Anyway…” Wilson shook off the threat.
Was it a threat? Argo didin;t take it as a threat. He couldn’t tell and certainly didn’t like the watchful eyes.

“If you are a jeweler, what can you tell me about this?” Wilson asked, pointing to the Allura kingdom symbol that they both shared. “And how you have one too.”

There was a nudge in his ribs, “Don’t.”

Argo let out a growl between his teeth that didn’t quite make sense to Wilson.

“Gladly.” Jacques smiled. “First thing I know, you shouldn’t have it in the first place.”
Argo's voice shrank, “I gave it to him.”

“How cute. Anyway, it is a symbol of the ambassadors of Allura.”
“Was,” Emmy added in.

“Oh didn’t you hear, some people say this place is trying to put this place back together.”

Wilson looked at Argo for a clarification.
Argo shrugged.

“So, this place is trying to stop all of these terrible things.” Emmy said.
Jacques sighed as if disapointted by Emmy’s words.

“Maybe, who knows what the Mistress is thinking.”

Wilson shuddered at the thought of facing this Misstress.

She had the entire rule over a world of crime riden desert. He’d have to meet with her in the next few days.

“You still haven’t answered my question about where you got yours?” Wilson continued, crossing his arms.

Jacques smiled

“Only royalty and the royal ambassdors have it. My mother found it and gave it to me as a baby.”

“Stole it you mean?”
The harpy turned to Emmy, “Shut your trap.”

“Alright, quit picking fights.” Argo stepped inbetween the two.

Jacques shrugged. “Well, picking fights is my specialty.”

He must have been a knight, Wilson guesserd. Retired as of recently.
He couldn’t bring up the courage to ask.

“Anyway, Old Alter here promised me a game Red,” Jacques gave Argo a sharp slap to the back, the halfling holding back a wince. “So how about it?”

Wilson didn't ask what this ‘Red’ was.
Whatever it was, the mere mention of it lit up Argo's face.

“Of course! You guys want to run and check it out. We played this the last time and you guys have to try it!” He beamed, baring his sharp teeth and orange eyes going wide.

“I think I’ll pass.” Emmy quickly said, turning back to the empty fountain.

Wilson looked away, “I need to check up on the others. I’ll see if I can make it to the game-”
He used the word losely, not sure how to describe it.

Argo persured his mouth, “Fair enough, I’ll catch up with you in an hour or so!”

He barely finishedf the sentence before Jacques wrapped an arm around his shoulders and turned him away.

Two hearty laughs echoed before the crowd swallowed them up. The two creatures vanishing beyond the doors of people.

Wilson gave a short wave, following Emmy down the streets and the markets.

“Why do men demand that a woman should treat him with respect?” Emmy hissed, excaimning her nails as if they were damaged.

WIlson shrugged, “I- I don’t know.”
They walked in silence for a moment,

“I’m going to see if I can get some money or a letter from the tavern,” Wilson frowned. “Want to come with and see if they have something else to eat?”

“Urgh, after all that took on food back there I’ve lost my appitiate.”
Wilson thought back to it, suddenly losing his appitate as well.

“At least we can ask Alastair  about the necklace and such. She might know a little more than an outdated book.”
Better than an outdated book or a threating harpy.

The questions bubbling up like hot water, slowly being drowned out by the busily crowds and croaking voices overhead.

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