Chapter 16: Prodigy

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Kousei P.O.V:

I caressed Kaori's rosy cheeks, I inched closer and pressed my lips to hers. I felt a drop of tears against my face when I had pulled away she was gone.

The lights room was dim and quiet, I reddened as I remembered the last few moments of the dream. I reached for my glasses and took a glance at the lonely piano, I felt an irregular heartbeat for a few moments before dragging myself to the instrument

I laid my fingers on the keys before pounding a few notes, softly and gently. I played the melody of Chopin's Nocturne and smiled at the harmony which danced across the room.

I heard footsteps and immediately I halted. Father stood behind the door, his arms folded as if he was waiting for the music to unleash once again.

"You sound just like your mother," he complimented

"I... I'm going to get some fresh air," I excused

"Why don't you continue playing? Isn't it dangerous to be outside?" He questioned

"Why do you care?" I snapped back "You come back out of nowhere and now your dictating me,"

The atmosphere felt heavy, he stared at me without any emotion. I broke the tension moments later after leaving my room. I opened the fridge and took a pack of egg sandwiches and a carton of milk before exiting the house.

I knew I was harsh, I knew I shouldn't have said those words, but... I have a voice and he has to understand what I've been through after his disappearance. I massaged my temples, it was mid-day and the sun beamed brightly, I was cruising along the busy streets whilst eating my egg sandwich.

I heard pounding notes from the distance. A playing style I've definitely heard before, it was as if my body was gravitating towards the music. I was surrounded by people with awed expressions, I caught a glimpse of the performer. His blond spikes and his aggressive playing style became clear to who he was.

"Bushi...?" I uttered

He finished the last few bars before widening his eyes as he stared at me.

"Arima?!" He replied in surprised

"It's been a long time Bushi!" I grinned

"Omg... TAKESHI! TA-KE-SHI!" He asserted

"Arima... Takeshi" mumbled a female voice

Takeshi and I both turned our heads. Her raven hair was formed into a loose bun and she wore a casual outfit.

"I never knew you had a thing for Tchaikovsky," commented Emi

"That's cause we always play Chopin," Takeshi replied

I attempted slide away from the conversation between the two prodigies until Takeshi grabbed my wrist smiling. I nervously laughed.

"Where are you going, Arima? We'll tag along," smiled Emi

"I just came out to have a walk..." I muttered

Takeshi wrapped his arm around my neck as if I was in custody, Emi stood beside me taking small sips of her bubble tea. Our talks mainly consist of the pieces we've played our future as a pianist, the three of us settled at the piano shop and realized how empty it was.

"The shop is basically ours," smiled Takeshi "Arima, you should play something,"

"But I didn't-"

"Practise?" Emi cut me off "Then let's practice right now,"

Emi and Takeshi watched me like a hawk. I lay my fingers on the piano and started to imagine Kaori, I started to envision our last meeting. If it had a melody, it would be quite somber yet pleasant, I inhaled gently pressing the B flat.

"Nocturne Op 9 no 2," whispered Emi

It had been a while since I had played such an unhurried piece, it reflected my emotions. Each trill reminded me of the jokes we made and each time I pounded the keys I could still remember her hands clutch unto my arm as she begged for her existence to retain in my memories.

How could I forget her? When she was the one who held my hand and pulled me out of the monotonous world. When she was the one who gave me a chance to breathe once more and found the light in the dark ocean.

The piece came to an end and the only applause I could hear was from my two friends.

"I guess, a prodigy like you don't really need to practice then," chuckled Emi "but you did have some technical difficulties, like playing the 'piano' as 'forte'"

"Yes sensei, I will do better," I rolled my eyes

"Are you playing that piece in the competition?" asked Takeshi

"I don't think I'll be entering this year," I answered

"What?" The two blurted

"Yeah, I just don't feel like it," I reasoned

I wandered away from the piano and noticed Emi sitting down and glaring.

"You know Arima, sometimes I also don't feel like playing," she added

In an instant, she started to play and Chopin's Etude 25 no. 12

"Sometime's I feel so tired, I want to quit,"

Her accents expressed her frustrations.

"But, I move forward anyway,"

Her technique was articulate and her emotions were vibrant. Takeshi had his hands stuffed in his pocket, his eyes weren't in awe as if he knew her potential was this great. Emi ended with a chord and exhaled.

"It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" She smiled at both Takeshi and me

"Well then, I guess this is a good way to end this outing," Takeshi sighed "I hope you listened to her Kousei,"

I nodded and caught a glimpse of the shop owner whose eyes were filled with awe, he gulped clapping slowly and the three of us smiled.

"Young man with the glasses, I think you should really join competitions!" He persuaded

I smiled before looking away.

"I want to keep contact with you," Takeshi blushed

"Uh... Sure," I conceded as I handed both my email and number and from there we dispersed.

Later that day, my phone vibrated. I grabbed the device as I took a glass of water and inserted my medication into my mouth.

"Your application to the TOWA competition has been successfully submitted,"

I choked. WHAT THE HELL! 


Hehe... So, I've been Hiatus for a good two months *cough*. No excuses, you may execute me xD Welcome, to the new readers, my name is Jennie and I didn't know it was even possible this fanfic would reach 2K so, thank you for the support ; - ; even though I'm not very active. 

I forced myself out of the writer's block, so if it doesn't sound like my usual writing style... Well, now you know. If you've been wondering where I have been these past 2 months, I've been very active on Instagram. (Jenii_art is my account) So... Yeah, It's currently the holidays and I hope to post more. Ironically, my resolution was to post more but oh well as always, don't forget to~


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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