So I got tagged...

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I got tagged by TishisaFISH to do 13 facts. I'll try to make them interesting. By the way is this tag inspired by 13 reasons why or something... 

1. I have very bad grammar (I mean seriously why am I even here xD)

2. I used to hate horror movies but now I've grown to like it

3. I'm a Phan and have made Phanfanfictions but afraid to post lol

4. I am a sarcastic person 

5. I make fanfictions out of my friends 

6. I enjoy a variety of music, but my favorite has to be EDM and my favorite artists are - In love with a ghost, Syros, Inspira, Snails house and Tasty

7. My favorite Kpop band is BlackPink and Exo

8. I hate raisins and pickles 

9. I play piano and whenever I start a song I don't really finish it

10.  I have the tendency to name inanimate objects

11. I'm a cat person

12. I don't really have much internet friends

13. I am a pessimistic person 


 I don't really have many people to tag so~ 




(sorry for the inconvenience lol)

Anyways I don't think I'll update this story any sooner cause procrastination~ (I'll try though :p)


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