Chapter 10: Guilt

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I stood up steadily as I listened to Watari's instructions. Why am I even doing this? There was a chance it could trigger an attack but I agreed to do this anyways, am I really going to risk my life for a stupid dare? There was no one who was going to pick me up, Tsubaki doesn't know my condition and Kousei... I can just feel his aura of anger.

"I want you back in 3 minutes, or you'll have to do it again," he added

My lips parted as I waited to compose myself.

"I don't want to do this anymore," I uttered

"What? You can't just do that," Watari exclaimed

"I just did," I answered in a cool tone

My stomach twisted and turned, I was getting anxious as he continued to demand an explanation as to why I backed away. I didn't answer I just listened to his complaints, why does he have to make a deal about it.

"Drop it Watari," Kousei hissed coldly in a serious tone

"I don't want to do that dare," I said

Watari scratched the back of his head, I sat out and just watched the game play out. I didn't want to ruin the mood.

"Are you sure you don't want to play?" Asked Tsubaki

I nodded, my anxiety started to calm down. I was alone again in my dim world when only a spark of light could be seen.

Watari P.O.V:

I fumed in anger, I wasn't really and angry person but this guy irritated me so much! I don't know why, why did he have to back off anyways? It was just two rounds in 3 minutes, I bet I could even do it 2 minutes. But I let it go, Kousei's tone sounded serious as if he didn't want me to push any further.

I sighed as I took the seat next to Tsubaki, after calming down I realized I sounded so pushy and idiotic... It was just a game.

"Tsubaki! Truth or Dare?!" Asked Rin

"Hmm, truth," she simply answered

"Who would you rather date? Watari or Rei?" She asked

My stomach lurched as I waited for her response, I played it cool but my insides were screaming. I really wanted her to say my name.

"Uhh..." Tsubaki hesitated

She took a glance at me, my cheeks tinted pink she then looked at Rei who was playing with his fingers as if he didn't hear Rin's question.

"W-Watari... I guess," Tsubaki bashfully whispered looking away

I winked at her playfully, but afterward I was blushing madly.

"Oh shut up Watari!" Tsubaki said in an angry tone

I didn't realize Rei had left, I'm guessing he was getting tired of watching. It was already 9 pm. he probably sleeps early. I felt so guilty.

"Truth or dare Watari? Asked Kousei


"Do you have someone you like? If so tell us about her," said Kousei

"Yeah I do like someone but she has someone she already likes; she seems strong but she's not. I just hope I get over her sooner or later," I answered

"There are loads of girls out there Watari, you'll probably get over her sooner or later," blurted Tsubaki

I just smiled, she doesn't know anything.

"Truth or-"
"It's really late, don't you think we should get going?" Rin asked

"Oh okay then, nice game guys," said Tsubaki

That night was the first time I slept with a smile of guilt.

Secret P.O.V:

"What, Kousei has a heart disease?!" I exclaimed angrily

I checked his medical records every now and then since I didn't have time to come home due to business I couldn't really see him as often.

"Ami, cancel my trip to America and book me a flight to Japan ASAP," I demanded

I've been away too long, I stared at the picture of Kousei when he was a still a child. How long has it been since I've spoken to that child? I massaged my temples, I was starting to stress and worry, I started to pack my clothes.


I decided to just copy and paste from word. Busy student as always XD I'm sorry for the long wait guys, I'll try update more this month.

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