Rain Delays at Yorkshire

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'So which one of you is going to wicket keep?' Sarah, the Yorkshire coach, questioned, her hands on her hips and sunglasses jammed on her eyes.
Kate looked at me and I looked at her. I needed to prove myself and Kate, well it was her county team
'You can do it.' We said in unison. I hung my head and Sarah laughed.
'You two can sort it out, I've got to see what those toss pots are doing about this rain delay!' She exclaimed, obviously annoyed.
'I want you to do it Daisy, you need to show Sarah how well you do in a game sense, she knows how I play.' Kate explained.
'But it's your spot, I know I don't like it when I get my position taken from me so I don't want to take it from you.' I told her passionately.
'Daisy go and pad up.' She ordered.
'But Kate.'
'Daisy, go and pad up.' Kate's eyes demanded and almost instantly I found myself tearing my pads on.
'Well girls, the rain has stopped for now so let's get on the pitch before it starts again.' Sarah shuffled the papers in her hands. 'Go have fun ladies, I'll see you at lunch.' She waved us onto the pitch and went to sit in the dugouts.

Sussex were not much for a lot, after 4 rain breaks. About 9 for 88, to be exact.
'Quick finish your over before the rain starts again!' I bellowed out from behind the stumps.
'Pass me the ball!' Adeline, the bowler, yelled to the fieldsman.
'Quick!' I hurried, squatting into my stance. Adeline powered in and rolled her arm over, as the ball soared through the air, the rain started to fall. I took the ball in my gloves, and yelled "RUN!"
We bolted across the oval, laughter echoing over the ground as our feet sent water droplets up the back of our legs.
'Bloody rain breaks!' I announced with a grin, flicking the water off my helmet.
'I was Johnny on the spot as well.' Adeline hung her head. We all laughed, as we all patiently hoped for the rain to pass through.

'Why don't you tell us about yourself Daisy?' Caroline said, tearing open a Musli bar.
'About me?' I looked up from my cup of beer.
'Yes about you, all we know is that you're Australian, you're a wicket keeper and a pretty damn good one at that.' Caddy said.
'Oh,' Adeline swallowed her mouthful before adding; 'and your fiancé is hot!'
We all snorted with laughter.
'Isn't he though?!' I chuckled.
'Well, I'm a pretty full on character, my Dad used to say I am whiskey in a teacup, I like sarsaparilla ice blocks and Victorian bitter beer. I can Hotwire a car in a minute and can count to thirty in Italian. I can't swim to save my life but I can run for like the wind if you asked me to. My favourite movie character is Frank Dunne in that film Gallipoli, I'm South Australian, I'm loud and I can sing all the lyrics to any song that is on a jukebox.' I explained as if I'd done that a thousand times. The girls had grins from ear to ear.
'I wasn't expecting that but it's defiantly one of the best get to know me speeches I've heard in a long time.' Mary explained.
I shrugged; 'Dylan came up with it for me, he's odd like that.'
'Tell us about Dylan, please,' Adeline stated, obviously asking the thought on everyone's mind.
'Dylan, he's salt water and hard leather, he's strong coffee and a thunderstorm. Beer is served to him in a sacred chalice and he worships the spirit of cricket and a good tune from the radio. He loves 90's and early 2000's tv shows, you know NCIS, Friends etc. He's patient and humble and loves me which is all I could ever ask for, oh and he plays cricket at the highest level with so much etiquette it's unbelievable, which is a dream come true.' I cooed, my cheeks flushing red at the thought of my beautiful person.
'I want a Dylan.' Lillian stuck out her bottom lip.
'We get married when we get home.' I said, before downing the last mouthful of beer.
'Right girls out you go! Mary you're on.' Sarah ordered.
I grabbed my gloves and pushed on my helmet as we all danced outside. An arm wove it's way across my shoulders.
'I'm so proud to be your friend.' Kate whispered before rushing forward into a side step.
I felt my tense shoulders drop, and I stood in my thoughts for a moment.
I was the luckiest girl in the world, that first dreary day spent playing cricket, laughing and drinking beer was one of the most memorable.
'Hang on Daisy!' Sarah yelled, racing out to me, knocking me from my daydream.
'Here's the ball.' She dropped the ball into my hands. Sarah looked up at me with smiling eyes, like her whole being was enjoying every moment.
'Go have fun, Dot.' She pushed me onto the oval and I danced my way to the crease.
It wasn't long until we were batting. Kate and I were opening and when our partnership hit 50, Yorkshire knew they had it in the bag.
'Right if we chase down this 40 runs as quick as we just did that 50 we should be back inside at around, maybe 4:30 which is in half an hour.' I explained to Kate as drinks were bought to us.
'Don't you want to savour this?' Kate questioned.
'Savour it how?' I furrowed my eyebrows.
'Let's make the most of the first time opening together, it's the little things Dot.' Kate grinned walking back to her crease.
She was right.
It should've taken us no more than half an hour to make those 40 runs. Kate and I made sure it took us 2 hours. We wore Sussex down, for inside their heads, with our Quick singles at the start of ever over then occasionally hitting one for four. It was fun, sticking out there with Kate, laughing and joking around as the run chase slowly got lower.
I was sent a thunder bolt when we had six to win, in pure Daisy form, i got under it and sent it into the stand.
Kate and I flew into an awkward hug.
'I'm proud to be your friend.' She whispered, repeating her earlier statement and bringing a smile to my face.

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