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'We need one wicket and we get the trophy, we all have to dig deep, fight for this team, and send those POM's back to where they've come from!' Ally's booming voice sends adrenaline pulsing through our veins. I feel more alive than I ever have my whole life. Fleetwood Mac echoes in my head, I imagine for a moment, my phone sitting in my cricket bag with my ear buds plugged in and rolled around the phone so tight it would take me years to undo.
'I didn't turn the music on my phone off, damn it!' I slam my gloved hand against the grille of my helmet as if I was slapping my forehead. Megan laughs,
'Is that where your train of thought is heading?'
'Might want to concentrate on the game girls.' Kate turns to us, securing her helmet so she can see.
'Apologies batsmen.' Megan sinks down into first slip stance.
I watch the ball closely. I watch Claire spin it in her fingers before gripping it in her hand. I watch as she brings it to her chest then flings her arm out before rolling it over and sending the ball spinning furiously down the pitch. I feel the ball smack into my hands and I see the feet out the crease.
My gloves drive the ball towards the stumps knocking the bails off and sending the girls into uproar.

Kate Squire is the final wicket for the day. Australia, my team, my group of friends who have fought long and hard, have just won the women's Ashes.
I sink to my knees, my jaw hanging open in utter shock. I stare blankly ahead, trying to wrap my head around the amazing events unfolding before me.
'We won Dot! We won!' Megan falls down beside me, her arms wrapping around my neck.
'WE JUST WON THE ASHES!' I erupt into a blubbering mess after I scream that out. With tears running down my cheeks and a smile lodged on my lips, I am lifted onto the shoulders of my team mates. The crowd applauds and whistled as they carried me down to the gate.
I see my Dad. His face beaming with pride, he steps onto the grass, his arms outstretched. I drop down from the girls and into the arms of my Dad.
'You bloody beauty!' He cheers, holding me so tight I almost lose my breath.
'I can't believe it Dad!' I cry into his shoulder.
'Savour this moment my girl, don't ever forget this.' He lets me go, his eyes full of love. 'Go an celebrate this like you've never celebrated before.' He swings me into Megan who grabs my hand and drags me into the change rooms.

After many bottles of beer had been handed out and one had been tipped down my glove then down my throat, everyone decides to just sit in silence, acknowledging the amazing game we've just played. Every single pair of eyes stare out distantly until we snap back into reality when the sharp ringing of my phone bursts into the room.
I rustle through my bag and read the name.


I answer it quickly and hit the speaker phone button.
'G'day Mr Wright,' I greet, the other girls swarming around me.
'G'day Ms Cook,' I can hear him trying to contain himself.
'So...' I purse my lips together.
'I'm so proud of you Daisy, I actually wish I wasn't playing here so I could've hugged you there, and I know all the girls are listening and I'm so proud of all of you!' Dylan sounded like he could burst.
'Thanks Dylan!' Megan calls out.
'No problem Megan! I can't believe you girls won! Not that I had any doubts, but I wish I was there with you!' He whines, making us all laugh.
'You've got a good heart Dylan Wright.' I chuckle.
'As do you Daisy Cook, that's why we're marrying each other.' Dylan replies making the girls coo.
'Right before you get all sappy on me I'm going to hang up.' I tell him.
'Alright I'll call you later, I love you.' Dylan says.
'I miss you and love you too.' I respond.
'Miss you more, bye Dot.'
'Seeya Pickle.' I hang up the phone and look up at my team mates.
'I can't wait to get married.' Megan sighs, plonking down beside me.
'Me either.' I rest my head against her shoulder, silently wishing Dylan was right beside me.

'Hello, I'm Kate Squire, is Daisy Cook around?' A familiar voice appears making us all look up to the door.
'Yeah, Kate are you okay?' I ask quickly.
'Yes, it's all fine, I was just wondering if you could show me how you got my wicket just before, I thought it quite impressive.' Kate inquire.
I smile and rise to my feet.
'Let me get my gloves on and I'll be right out.'
As we stroll in silence to the middle of the ground, I can't help but wonder how a disappointed Kate can gather up enough courage to ask me a question like that. I admire that, and if I wasn't so stubborn maybe I could've done the same, but I didn't.
'The ball was travelling so fast, I swore it had gone past you.' She explains.
'Nope not quite,' I say. 'The trick is, especially in Australia, is to stay low, to keep you hands as close to the stumps as you can at all times. I don't know, I guess it's second nature now.' I shrug attempting to explain the action I barely remember.
'Oh, I got it now, thanks I appreciate it, I'm always up for advice, so I'm always asking for it.' Kate smile.
'How's Lou going?' I ask.
'I spoke to him before, he says that George took 4 wickets and he himself made 78 runs not out, which isn't bad for the both of them.' She chuckles, taking off her gloves.
'Who's George?' I question.
'George is my older brother, he's a fast bowler for England.' She explains as we begin the trek back.
'Well, you guys really have got a cricketing gene, you must be proud.' I say.
'Very much so, we're extremely blessed.' She replies and I nod in agreement.

The Keeper of Wickets Where stories live. Discover now