Baby Wright-Cook Part 2

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I clench my teeth and grip my sheets, sucking on the gas furiously.

"Scream Daisy, no ones going to judge you." Kate says, cringing as I attempt to hide my pain.

"I'm not going to scream, I'm not going to cry, I'll be fine." I gasp, wishing and praying for the doors to just fling open.

"You will be fine Daisy, but it is better to let it out." Susan encourages.

"I've gotta keep this kid in my stomach, Dylan isn't bloody missing this." I breathe out, humming in pain.

"Babies gonna come whether you like it or not." Kate grips my hand. "Dylan will forgive you."

"It's not about Dylan forgiving me it's about me forgiving Dylan damn it!" I hold my stomach.

"Alright Daisy, you have to push now Darling."

"NO!" I yell out. "You can't make me!" I fall back onto the bed. "I don't want to do it without Dylan."

"Daisy this isn't a time to be stubborn." Dad grabs my face in his hands, He stares me dead in the eyes. "You listen to me, dylan will be here any minute, but at the moment, you have me right here, ready and waiting to see my baby be the mamma her mum wanted her to be, life is about to get so much better Daisy, suddenly the past means nothing because in your arms is this tiny human who you have made a vow to raise and pray for and love with all of your being. Who's future is also your future, who's life you want to make amazing. Now give this woman a push and see what happens." He presses his cheek against mine as tears trickle from my eyes.

I scream in my dad's ear as I push.

"Well done Daisy, keep going you're not far away." Susan says.

"C'mon and again." Dad mutters.

I close my eyes and do as I'm told.

"GOD DAISY!" The door slams and in walks two sweaty, sunburnt, tired, maybe a little drunk men who's eyes are wider than dinner plates.

"He's not gonna help you now!" I bellow, snarling at my husband.

Dylan races around to the other side of the bed, Kate and Dad step away as he grips my hand, pulling it to his face. He's still wearing his whites and his baggy red SA cap is still lodged on his head.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here before, I'm sorry." He cries.

"It's okay." I pant, "just make sure that baby sees your face."

The next few minutes are a blur. One minute I'm screaming, Dad's gripping one hand, Kate's gripping the other and Dylan is kissing my face. Then the next my bellowing is silenced by tears of astonishment, awe and love as a baby slips onto my chest, without a sound.

We all sit in silence, as we stare down at the baby girl who's wild ocean coloured eyes stare back at us. Kate, Lou, Dad, Dylan and I can hardly move. Tears are pouring from our eyes and our minds can't quite wrap around the beauty in my arms.

"Hello baby girl." Dylan whispers, his huge hand cupping her tiny head.

"Why isn't she crying?" I ask, the baby's little fingers stretching out.

"She's so ready to be here, ready to meet her family there are no need for tears. She's all good, she's just as tired as you are so I don't blame her if I'm honest." Susan explains. I smile, kissing my babies forehead.

"She's so perfect Daisy." Kate sniffs, clinging to Lou.

Dylan reaches down and draws the tiny creature to his chest.
"I'm your Dad." He cries. "And I am going to love you no matter what."

I smile as Dad comes over to me. He pulls my head close, I wrap my arms around him.

"Look what you can do Daisy! Look who you've bought into the world." He whispers. I chuckle a little as I pull away.

"What are we gonna call her Daise?" Kate asks, as the baby gurgles.

"Well, Daisy I was thinking." Dylan begins.

"That's never good." I state, we laugh.

"No seriously, Delaney Ember Wright-Cook, Ember was your mum's name and Delaney means descendent of the challenger and well, you're a bit of a challenger aren't you?" He runs his finger down her tiny button nose.

I look up at him, holding my little girl, the little girl who came from us. The little baby who came from an injury. The little baby girl who's managed to change our entire lives in two seconds.

"I love it." I tell him.

He grins and presses his lips against Delaney's little forehead.

"I love this world so much." He tells her. "And you will too I promise."


The three of us stand in front of the huge window, the blind rolled up and our eyes glued to the swirling clouds that are coloured by the rising sun. The oranges and pinks fills my chest with joy, and looking at my husband and my daughter I can't feel any more content.

"They say the perfect doesn't exist, well I'm living it, I'm living it." Dylan hums, pulling me close.

"Yeah we are." I giggle.

"Daisy look at this girl, look at this baby, we made her, us!" His astonishment makes me laugh.

"And we get to keep her and love her forever and ever." I kiss his nose.

"I can't believe I'm living a dream." He sighs as Delaney's eyes widen.

She shifts her eyes to the window, her fingers uncurl and she gurgles at the sky.

3:30 that very same morning I was blessed with the most spirited, beautiful and happy baby, God ever gave the earth.

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