Kate and Lou - The Start

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My biggest protector was my brother. Ever since I was a baby, he was always there, making sure the world (also known as; boys) couldn't and wouldn't hurt me. He tried very hard and for 18 years he did really well, telling any boy I met that he would personally decapitate them, scaring them away and giving himself a reputation.
It was when I met Lou, that all his hard work went to waste. There was absolutely nothing that George could do to stop Louis from sweeping me off of my feet. He took my breathe away with just a look and he managed to get past my brother, which was a desire not many other people had.

I have helmet hair and red cheeks from wicket keeping. My eyes are a little blood shot and my hands are shaking from the effort I'd put in. I drag my aching body through to the Yorkshire change rooms. The boys are all in there, sharing a drink with the girls.
'Kate! How'd you go?!' Clara calls from the corner.
'Good! Tired now though!' I reply, wiping my brow with the back of my inner glove. I hear her laugh as I sit down at my locker.
'Kate, the girl who caught me behind.' I look up and see the happy eyes that matched the rustic Yorkshire accent.
'That's me, 'ow do Lou?' I giggle at my rhyme.
'Getting by, trying to work out why I keep getting out so early.' He says through a sigh.
'Me too, must be something in the water.' I say and he laughs, my heart skipping a beat. We fall quiet, it was kind of awkward for a few seconds but then we both come to the realisation that we enjoy each other's presence.
'You don't want to come for a drink after training do you?' Lou asks nervously. I look up at him as I pull off my pad.
'I'd love to!' I reply. Lou grins the most delightful grin.
'Down at the Rock and Hops at 6:30?' He questions.
'My brother will be there, he has a cricket meeting.' I curse under my breath.
'It's ok, we don't have to worry about him.' Lou reassures. I don't have the heart to tell him that George has the power to single handedly break his bones and throw him onto the street but I have a feeling I've never felt until Lou, maybe he is strong enough to handle him.

Lou and I talk for hours, willingly trapped in our seats in the corner of the musty pub. He tells me about his mum and how she's dealt with an abusive husband with her four sons supporting and looking after her.
'I'm number three see, so I live with my little brother John in Leeds and Mum lives with my eldest brother Gus and his wife and daughter.' He explains, biting into a hot chip.
'What about number two?' I question. Lou looks hesitant to say, he clenches his teeth and quickly spills his answer.
'That's Matt, he's living in London with his boyfriend Clint.'
'You have a gay brother?' I clarify.
'That's cool! I haven't met anyone with gay relatives.' I sound so naive in my statement, but I'm not lying.
'I struggle saying that because people are such relics, that knowing someone gay seems to put them off. Matt is such a nice person but he-'
'Lou,' I stop him. 'I can't wait to meet him.'
Lou grins and rises to his feet.
'I'll be back.' He says.
'Turn around, I'm choosing.' He smirks, and I do so. I listen intently as the murmur of the record player spins, scratching into the old 35. Then, I am instantly taken back to our lounge room as the soft piano of Elton John's masterpiece, Tiny Dancer, wafts through the air. It has been one of my favourite songs since I was a kid.
'Heard a whisper that maybe you liked this one?' Lou smiles, as he sits back down beside me.
'Who told you?' I curl my lips in, my bright red cheeks dulled by the dim light.
'Clara, I had to ask, before you go out with a girl you should find out her favourite song, favourite meal and favourite flower oh and favourite beer.' He explains, his fingers intertwining with mine.
'I don't think I've ever had a guy who has been quite that interested in me before.' I furrow my eyebrows.
'Well, I've never met someone quite as remarkable as you.' He replies and I feel my heart flutter into a million butterflies. I am lost for words, his hand gently caresses my cheek and just as my surrounding world stops, as his eyes lock with mine, as my whole universe seems to fall beautifully into place, a hand slams against my shoulders and pulls me away from the warm breath hitting my lips.
'George!' I cry out.
'Don't, just don't.' George stands about half a foot taller than Lou, but Lou stands his ground.
'George listen-'
George quickly testifies; 'No, don't touch my sister Louis, she's-
'She's beautiful, George she's captivating, I haven't been able to shake her smile from my eyes and my mind will never forget her eyes. She's so happy George, she's confident and determined, she's calm and collected, for 19 I admire that. I wasn't that sophisticated at 19 that's for sure. George it's taken a season for me to get the nerve to ask her out because I don't deserve a second of her time. Yet here I am, sitting by her absolutely engrossed in her stories.' Lou hardly blinks as he speaks. That's when George backs down, and I burst into tears. George sighs and walks back to his beer on the bar and Lou pulls my face to his and our lips meet.
'Lou, that was beautiful.' I mutter, through the kiss.
'All for you, Kate, all for you.' He replies, kissing me again.

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