Kate's Debut

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My first game of cricket was quite the occasion. My Dad took me to the shopping centre and bought me my very own GM, it had navy blue lettering with white outline, I was beyond excited. He bought me a set of pads, a helmet and all the other pieces of equipment that I needed. I couldn't wipe the smile of my face that whole day. It was only recently that I found out that my entire family lived off 40 pounds for a fortnight after that. My whole family suffered so that I could play, I will forever be grateful for that. My brothers spent that whole Saturday morning scowling and glaring at me, the 14 and 10 year old couldn't quite get their heads around the fact their sister was playing cricket with them.

'Right lads if you treat your sister like dirt today you're both not playing for the rest of the summer.' Dad ordered as we trekked down the cobblestone streets of Scarborough.
'Yes Dad.' The boys responded in unison. I couldn't help but smile as the bus pulled up beside us.
'On you all get, find a seat, Quick!' Dad ushered, he was getting excited, he hadn't been to a game of cricket for a long time. We rode the bus for about 1 and 20 minutes, leaving the city and making our way into the country side then into the outskirts of Leeds.  Farms full of dairy cows and unshorn sheep flew past my wide eyes. I hadn't spent a lot of time outside of our little town, but catching the bus to the cricket grounds with my brothers was always an eye opening experience.
'That's the farm our milk comes from!' Henry announced, his sticky fingers pressed against the window.
'Henry hands off the window c'mon now lad.' Dad grabbed his arm and made him hold onto his bat.
I handed put mine down since the Tuesday before. I had slept with it, eaten with it in my lap, everything, I was and still is one of my prize possessions.
'Off you get.' Dad pointed to the opened door and the three of us trundled down the stairs, our bags in our hands. I stood in awe at how beautiful the oval was. The white picket fence made its way infinitely around the perfectly green grass.

'Hello there what's your name?' The man, who turned out to be our coach, bent down in front of me.
'She's our sister.' George said.
'She can tell me that George.' The man told him.
'My name's Kate, as he said I'm their sister.' I chuckled shrugging my shoulders.
The man laughed, 'You seem like a pretty nice kid,' he stuck out his hand, 'my name's Ioan Marshall, pleasure to meet you.'
'Thank you Sir.' I smiled and shook his hand.

I was soon ushered to join a group of boys all about a foot taller than me. They studied me as if I was some sort of alien, and eventually asked what I was doing. I simply replied with; 'I'm playing cricket!' They all laughed but Ioan soon told them to shut their mouths and to at least bat me at 6, which I wasn't complaining about.
Dad called me over about half way through our innings, I had my pads on and my gloves were lodged on my hands.
'I remember my very first trial match, the one that I played and then was selected to play for England, 19 and care free my little friend, I don't think I have ever been more nervous in all my life, but then I said to myself, honestly Grant, all you need is a bat in your hands and everything will be alright.' Dad smiled softly as he reminisced. I wasn't nervous until he told me that, my heart started to race and my hands began to shake.
'Don't worry Kate, just remember what we practiced and you'll be absolutely fine, keep that knee bent and play at the ball, remember to keep a dead bat if you're going to block, just wait for the bad ball to swing down and then crack it. Don't worry love you'll know exactly what to do as soon as your feet meet the crease.' He drew me into a hug.
'Thanks Dad.' I muttered.
'Very proud of you.' He winked as the opposition team erupted as the ball flew through the stumps. George cursed and made his way back to the grand stand.
"WOOHOO GO KATE!" My team cheered as I ran out to the pitch, my bat lodged in my hand.
'Watch the ball onto your bat.' George said, he grabbed my wooden vest and pulled me to him. 'Good luck Kate.'
I grinned as I secured myself at the pitch.
'Is that a girl?!' Someone announced.
'She's crazy!' Another person replied.
'You'll humiliate yourself!' Someone laughed.
I sighed and turned to the bowler, he sent the ball down, it swung wide down the leg side and I let it go through to the keeper.
"On the off side now Jeremy!"
Jeremy listened, the ball came down the offside and I thwacked it past cover and mid wicket, for four might I add.
I couldn't wipe the smile from my face, I made 27 that day which was the highest score. I got out for LBW when I got a little bit excited and went for 6 on a very nice delivery.
I care off laughing, I saw Dad with tears in his eyes, I ran over to him and he took me in his arms.
'I knew you wouldn't let me down.' He kissed the top of my head.
'Did you see that first four?!' I asked excitedly.
'I saw every single ball you faced!' Dad replied. I smiled up at him and his big hands rested on my shoulders.
'You never cease to amaze me Kate.' He whispered, I fell back into his chest as I imagined all the doors that had opened up after my first game of cricket.

The Keeper of Wickets Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora