Blame & Sadness

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"They're here!" A female voice erupts through the rooms as the rowdy Australian boys trundle into their change rooms.

'Off you go.' Clara nods towards the door.

I shake my head an burst on through, I tap Dylan's shoulder gently.

'Kate! Mate, how ya been?!' A laughing Dylan puts his arm around my neck and ruffles my hair.

'Dylan stop, listen to me.' I gulp. My serious tone bought Dylan to a stop.

'What's happened? Where's Daise?' He furrows his eyebrows.

'She was hit with a ball, right on her temple, I didn't mean to hit it into her head, she's in a coma in the hospital.' I sniff, the pumping room stops.

'No. That's bullshit, now where is my girl?' A confused Dylan asks.

'She's not lying Lefty.' Molly backs me up.

'What?' Dylan scoffs. 'I don't believe you.'

'Dylan she was dead they bought her back on the bloody pitch! Poor Kate here has been in a right state since about 2 o'clock, it wasn't her fault, if you take this out on her, Daisy and I will never forgive you, now get your arse in the car we're going to the hospital.' Molly orders, her bony finger pointing to the door.

Dylan has lost all colouring in his face, not that I can see it. He can hardly look me in the eye. As we step solemnly inside the hospital I can't help but cry.

'Dylan please.' I mutter.

'I swear to god if you've killed her.' He snarls, not shifting his eyes from the ground.

'Don't you dare.' Molly scolds.

The three of us are guided into the intensive care unit. A constant drone of beeping and depressed voices turns to water in my head, but as soon as I lay my eyes on the lifeless body of my best friend,  my legs collapse.

'Shes alright, she's okay, she's alright.' Dylan bellows, rushing forward and grasping her hand.

'Please Sir don't touch that.' The nurse brushes his hand off.

'No! She can't die! She can't die!' Dylan screams. 'She needs me!'

'I'm sure she knows you're here.' The nurse reassures.

'No! Please baby girl, c'mon wake up Daisy, Dot open your eyes, breathe please!' Dylan cups her face, 'look at what's in front of you my darling.'

Molly stands with closed eyes in the doorway. I kneel breathless on the floor. My body shakes violently, Molly puts her arms around my body.

"I can't believe this Kate, how could you? I thought we were mates!" Dylan is being irrational, Molly let's go of me and grabs the collar of Dylan's shirt.

"You listen to me," She snarls. "You and I both know how fucking unpredictable cricket is, we both know that a nick sometimes can't be avoided. Daisy was standing dangerously close to the stumps, I don't know why she was that close. Kate couldn't control anything in that situation, how fast the ball was traveling, where it was going, and how close Daisy was. Don't blame her Lefty, she's distraught, just like you, she has just put her best friend in a coma. Be supportive, no one wants to loose her." She sighs sympathetically when he breaks down in tears. She draws him into a hug, reassuring him it will be okay.

Dylan makes his way out of the room, covering his eyes, crying into his hands.

"What have I done Molly?" I blubber.

"You've changed a lot of lives very quickly, but so did Megan, so has Daisy and all those people that made that match happen. Like I said, no one could control the outcome of today. Life is just taking its course." Molly hangs her head. "Go and talk to Dylan, he needs his friends."

"He hates me."

"No he doesn't Kate, he just needs someone to blame." Molly pushes me out the door.

I wonder down the long hall of the hospital, then exit out of the door and into a garden full of roses and green grass. Dylan sits on a bench in the middle of it, his face in his hands. I sit down beside him, the afternoon sun kissing our cheeks. We sit in silence, dwelling in each other's presence for a moment.

"We're lucky Kate, we've been so blessed with so many beautiful things, playing cricket for our countries, married to the loves of our lives, it was bound to come crashing down sooner or later." Dylan wipes a dripping tear from his chin.

"This wasn't supposed to happen Dylan, don't ever believe that this accident was meant to occur. She's going to be alright, she has to be , I'd never be able to live with myself. She's got so much life to live, she knows that, she'll wake up." I look at my twiddling thumbs in my lap.

Dylan shook his head, "I'm sorry for yelling before Kate, I shouldn't blame it on you," his voice cracks. "I just can't believe it, Daisy is always so alive, upbeat, happy, you know."

I wrap my arms around him as he continues to cry; "I know, that's why she's my best friend."

"She has to be okay, I've never seen someone in such a state." Dylan exclaims.

"KATE! DYLAN!" Lou's voice echoes over the park. I rush to him and he takes me in his arms. He kisses my head as I cry.

"Jacks' here." He announces.
"G'day Kate, Dylan." Jack doesn't take his eyes off Daisy.

"Hey Jack." I sit beside him. Dylan positions himself on Daisy's right hand side.

"How are you?" I ask softly.

Jack sighs, "it helps," he begins, "knowing she died doing what she loved."

"She's not dead yet!" I gasp.

He turns his heartbroken eyes to me, his hand meets my cheek and he says;
"I know that, but wouldn't it be beautiful to know she died happy?"

It takes me a couple of seconds to register what he has said, I lurch forward, pushing the door open and bolting down the hall way of the dingy Hospital. I step outside and fall to my knees, the concrete grazing the top layer of skin.

'NO! PLEASE GOD WHY?! WHY? WHY!?' I scream, so loudly Lou and nurses come running.

'WHAT HAVE I DONE? WHAT HAVE I DONE?' I feel tears race down my cheeks and hands pull my shoulders back. Lou's arms wrap around my head, drawing me into his chest and holding me tight.

"Shhh my darling, this will all be over soon." He whispers.

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