Chapter 22 - Surprise

Start from the beginning

There was silence for a bit. Then Mama Jayde spoke.

"How is Kami doing? I can't believe he did that to her!"

"He has always been jealous of everything that I have had. In college, he even stole my girlfriend at the time. Yesterday after what happened, Kamea didn't want to eat, and she could barely sleep. I did get her to eat something later in the evening. Kamea got a little rest on the plane ride back. She is in our room sleeping now. I can't take away her pain, but I will do all I can to help her endure this. I love her very much, Jayde and Kalani. Chase is not going to get away with what he did. I am also going to get a bodyguard for her. I will protect her by any means necessary."

"We could tell by the way you were there for Kami in the hospital and how you took care of her in your home. And I could tell that the promise ring you bought for her was an engagement ring. That is all we asked from you, Cris. We wanted to see how you would treat Kami. You have more than earned our trust, and we just ask that you always take care of Kami and treat her like the queen she is. And, I am sorry for my behavior in making you nervous and giving you a hard time. Kami glows when she talks about you to us. She is finally happy, and that is all that we want for our daughters - for them to find someone that makes them feel happy."

Kalani's response was a surprise. "Thank you, Mr. Palu. She makes me happy, and my children adore her as well. Día and Rocco even call her their 'mom.' Kamea will permanently become their mom once she files adoption papers. I asked her to adopt the twins, and she said yes."

"Congratulations, Cris! I am so glad that you finally have what you want. Now, all we need is for you and Kamea to get married," my mom proclaimed.

I didn't tell her that we did get married. I am saving that bit of info for Saturday. "We wanted to have you all over for a family dinner on Saturday. I am going to call Alessandra and Marco as well. And, you don't need to bring anything. We will take care of everything."

"Sure. We would love to come, Cris. And stop that nonsense. We are bringing something. I am just so happy for my baby girl. We will let Noelani and Marissa know too. Thank you for the update, Cris. And, we will see you both on Saturday," Mama Jayde said before hanging up the phone.

"I know the perfect guy to be Kamea's bodyguard. For a young guy, he is one of the best in the business. His father is one of my good friends. I'll get in touch with him and let you know if he is available."

Quite a few of my father's friends were in the Mafia. They asked him to join, but he didn't want that lifestyle for his family. Most of my security detail is a part of the Mafia. That is why the imposter from the hospital was dealt with that way. As soon as we find Reed, he will get the same punishment. 

"Thanks. I'll be here at the house for a while. I don't want Kamea to be left alone by herself. And when are you bringing the twins home? She really wants to see them."

'Understandable. Well, I'll make that call and get back to you. We will bring Dia and Rocco back this evening after they get out of kindergarten. See you later today."

My father hung up the phone. I heard Kamea scream, "Get away from me, Chase!!" She must be having a nightmare. So, I ran into the room. She was tossing and turning, throwing her fists in the air like she was punching Chase. I hate him for assaulting her. Why can't people understand 'no means no'?

"Sweetheart, wake up!! You were having a nightmare."

Kamea woke up and sat up, hugging me for dear life. "I-I dreamed that C-Chase had......"

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